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{{Sources|S1=[[Hivers (Alien Module)|Alien Module 7: Hiver]]}}
== Gurvin (Sophont) Synopsis ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) Physiology & Environment (Ecology) ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) History & Background (Dossier) ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) Psychology & Philosophy (Mindset) ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) Culture & Society ==
=== Gurvin Social Organization ===
=== Gurvin Arts & Aesthetics ===
== Gurvin (Sophont) Government & Politics (Leadership) ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) Language & Letters (Economy) ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) Calendar & Timekeeping ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) Technology & Trade (Economy) ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) Military & Intelligence (Force Projection) ==
== Gurvin (Sophont) References & Contributors (Sources) ==
|S1= [[Hivers (Alien Module)|Alien Module 7: Hiver]]
|S2= GURPS Aliens
{{LE|G|Races|Minor Race|Hiver}}
{{LE|G|Races|Minor Race|Hiver}}

Revision as of 20:06, 16 March 2015


Status Minor Race
Classification Omnivore/hunter
Size 1.75 meters
Weight 90 kg
Homeworld Ofilaq (Folgore 0305)
Multi-world Yes
Canon Yes
Extinct Extant
Reference Alien Module 7: Hiver

Gurvin Synopsis

The Gurvin are a hexapodal humanoid race of omnivore/hunter stock, which bear superficial resemblances to Terran Otters or Mink and have long been associated with the Hive Federation.

Gurvin Physiology

Derived from hexapodal omnivore/hunter stock, they are equipped with two legs, two arms, and a middle pair of limbs which can be used as either at need. They are 1.75 meters in length from muzzle to tail. Their culture adapted fairly readily to Hiver standards; though the Gurvin exhibit aggressive behavior, their aggression has long been channeled into economic pursuits.

Gurvin History

Gurvin are stereotypically money-oriented, and seem to have a cash fixation. They rarely do anything out of altruism, and are famous for demanding what price they will be paid for their efforts.

Gurvin Society & Culture

Gurvin females are roughly twice as intelligent as the males. This biological difference between the two Gurvin genders, greatly structures the nature of Gurvin society.

As such, Gurvin males are rarely found away from Gurvin settlements. Gurvin males look upon themselves as providers, and maintain the Gurvin home and hearth. Gurvin males provide food, shelter, and the basic needs of life.

Females, while child bearers, engage in far more creative and curious thought. Females write poetry, study science, ponder philosophy, and other wise engage in most of the conceptual and abstract thought in Gurvin society. Females also serve as the leaders of Gurvin Government.

Females crave adventure and range far and wide across the Federation. They are most frequently encountered as merchants and business executives, but are also common in the Federation Development Agency serving as explorers.

Gurvin Social Organization

Gurvin society is very much structured upon gender distinctions with a definite biological basis to the practice. The Gurvin are interesting in that, of the two sexes, the females are roughly twice as intelligent as the males.

Gurvin Females

Females, handicapped by the problems of carrying, bearing, and raising young, were forced to develop intelligence for security. Civilization was but an extension of this.

Gurvin Males

Males, though sentient, are decidedly lacking in creativity or reasoning ability. Traditionally, Gurvin males have been hunters, relying primarily on instinct rather than intelligence.

Gurvin Government & Law

Gurvin worlds are generally governed by a matriarchal representative democracy.

Gurvin Language

Most of the names of subsectors and planets applied to worlds in the Federation are derived from the Gurvin language, which, like the Hiver written language, is ideographic in nature and fairly easy to translate into Hiver language patterns.

Gurvin Calendar

It is unknown how the Gurvin form a calendar or track time.

Gurvin Technology & Trade

Very little is known about Gurvin technology or trade.

Gurvin Military

Very little is known about the Gurvin martial traditions or their military, if it even exists.

Gurvin (Sophont) Synopsis


Gurvin (Sophont) Physiology & Environment (Ecology)


Gurvin (Sophont) History & Background (Dossier)


Gurvin (Sophont) Psychology & Philosophy (Mindset)


Gurvin (Sophont) Culture & Society


Gurvin Social Organization


Gurvin Arts & Aesthetics


Gurvin (Sophont) Government & Politics (Leadership)


Gurvin (Sophont) Language & Letters (Economy)


Gurvin (Sophont) Calendar & Timekeeping


Gurvin (Sophont) Technology & Trade (Economy)


Gurvin (Sophont) Military & Intelligence (Force Projection)


Gurvin (Sophont) References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.