Corrosive Atmosphere

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A Corrosive Atmosphere is a type of atmosphere known for possessing a concentrated gas mix or unusual temperature creates a corrosive environment, which requires the use of a Hostile Environment Suit or Vacc Suit.

Description (Specifications)

Corrosive atmospheres require the use of protective suits or vacc suits to insulate the wearer from harm. Several of the exotic atmospheres classified as irritant are, in fact, mild forms of corrosive atmospheres. The chief difference between the two lies in the degree of danger posed by the atmosphere — irritants cause only minor damage, while true corrosive atmospheres kill unprotected humans in a short time. [1]

Basic Corrosive Atmosphere Types

  1. Extreme Low Temperature
  2. Very Thin, Low Temperature
  3. Very Thin, Moderate Temperature
  4. Very Thin, High Temperature
  5. Thin/Standard/Dense, Low Temperature
  6. Thin/Standard/Dense, Moderate Temperature
  7. Thin/Standard/Dense, High Temperature
  8. Very Dense, Low Temperature
  9. Very Dense, Moderate Temperature
  10. Very Dense, High Temperature
  11. Extreme High Temperature

History & Background / Dossier

‘’’Corrosive (B):’’’ Corrosive atmospheres are highly dangerous. A character who breathes in a corrosive atmosphere will suffer damage every few minutes. [2]

Selective Corrosive Atmosphere Types

  1. Ammonia (NH3): An irritant at best, atmospheres containing high concentrations of ammonia become corrosive. Usually characteristic of low temperatures. [3]
  2. Chlorine (Cl2): More active, more poisonous, and more irritating to exposed skin than ammonia, chlorine in the atmosphere will be corrosive in any but the mildest concentrations. [4]
  3. Fluorine (F2): Similar in nature to chlorine, fluorine in an atmosphere is even more irritating, even in small quantities. Atmospheres containing fluorine are always considered corrosive at best. Fluorine shares many properties with chlorine, including the possibility of supporting completely alien forms of life. It is easily detected by smell and by color, but quickly lethal if a major leak occurs. [5]
  4. Nitrogen (N2): A world in which free oxygen and nitrogen exist together in the acid and the presence of nitrides (nitrogen-oxygen compounds) in the atmosphere cause it to become most dangerous for unprotected humans. [6]
  5. Sulphur Compounds: The presence of sulfur compounds in sufficient concentrations will be corrosive, and can cause damage to unprotected individuals. [7]

References & Contributors / Sources

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