
From Traveller Wiki - Science-Fiction Adventure in the Far future
Revision as of 06:51, 6 November 2012 by (talk)
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Type Tool
Tech Level TL–5
Cost Cr50
Weight 0.1kg

A small electronic device used to do basic mathematic calculations. Originally produced at TL–6, they continue to be produced through TL–8 where they are gradually replaced by more flexible Handcomps. In their original production styles, they are primitive, have limited mathematical capabilities, and are relatively expensive, starting at around Cr50. The late TL–8 models are quite capable, with some limited programmability and graphic display capability, and very cheap. Some limited use TL-8 calculators can be produced for Cr0.1 in massive number for novelty items.

Most calculators run on batteries, which allow use for a year or more, or incorporate small solar cells to provide all the power they need.

Calculators do not have external connections, relying upon the user to input numbers and apply the results manually.

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