The New Era Adventure Operation Dominoes 2: Minds of Isdur

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Operation Dominoes 2: Minds of Isdur
Publisher Avenger Enterprises
Version Traveller The New Era
Format PDF
Canonical Yes
Year Published 2007
Pages ??
Product No. CSRT0031

</translate> Operation Dominoes Book 2: Minds of Idsur follows the continuing Reformation Coalition efforts on the planet Tiniyd. The members of a RCES Moonshadow covert infiltration team are tasked with building the fragile and secret alliance between the Coalition and the Idsur Republic by means of a bootstrap operation.

The RCES team will soon discover, battling natural hazards, outside interference, and uneducated locals to complete their mission that the Psionic nature of Tiniyd society poses far more difficulties to a successful bootstrap operation than any of these forces.

Operation Dominoes Book 2: Minds of Idsur forms the second part of a four part campaign based around the exploits of an RCES Moonshadow Team, and follows on from the events detailed within Operation Dominoes 1: Moonshadow.