Post-Technological Period

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The Post-Technological Period and the Technological Singularity are one.

  • It is the endpoint in the TL scale, in which tools that are self-replicating, self-improving, and panscient have been achieved.

Description / Specifications[edit]

At the Technological Singularity, all things are possible: tools respond to all needs with no discernible delay.

History & Background / Dossier[edit]

The PTP represents a different kind of existence.

The Technological Singularity is Unstable[edit]

The features and the abilities of the Technological Singularity promote any number of consequences, all of which lead to changes that end the Technological Singularity. At the singularity, sophonts must grow or die. Various societies choose various options, but in every circumstance, they must choose.

Some consequences are:

  1. Society transcends physical existence (most common).
  2. Society retreats to a lower TL, and is paralyzed or deadlocked there.
  3. Society eventually accepts its place in the galaxy, re-stabilizing at a more comfortable TL-21.
  4. Society collapses, losing its high tech tools and beginning the cycle of technological development again.
  5. Society fragments; some factions transcend; others retreat; still others struggle to maintain or reacquire the Singularity.
  6. The entire sophont people destroys itself.
  7. Society rejects technology altogether and focuses on a pastoral existence at a relatively low TL.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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