Gudukraa class G-Carrier

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Gudukraa class G-Carrier
Imperial Sunburst-Sun-IISS-Traveller.gif
Tech Level TL–12
Mass 36.5 tons
Cost kCr635
Mode Flight (Grav)
Type G-Carrier
Speed 720kph top / 540kph cruise
Cargo 18.4 kl
Crew 1
Passengers 12
Armament None

The Gudukraa class G-Carrier is designed to be a resonably priced civilian vehicle for transporting people and cargo. Over half of the Gudukraa hull surface area is clear plasteel windows, providing an unexcelled view of the surroundings duing a flight.

The 5 Mw fuel-cell power plant provides power for 18 days of regular cycle operation. Like most civilian G-carriers, the Gudukraa is unarmed and only lightly armored, though it is sealed allowing use on worlds with less than optimal atmospheres.

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