Campaign:NHNE/Places/Casa Esperança

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Casa Esperança is about 600m north, on the same level as the Grand Plaza. It's a less posh part of Sparks - it being based on the edge an old ice-processing centre that was used to mine out the volume that is now the Plaza. By 300 days it's a bit run down and acts as a dormitory space for the service staff in the Government Offices and Transient Hotels. A working class area, Clanish - with a mixed heritage including Spanish and Portuguese groups. Officially Casa Esperança. Or just Esperança. Those with get-up-and-go mostly got-up-and-went when the construction of the Grand Plaza completed.

The area includes a substantial market amongst the small cupboard and room sized spaces off the corridor. The end nearest the Plaza specialises in Tourist Tat. Other areas, stretching across several floors, offer other specialities. Users are warned that the area is renowned for purse-snatchers and pick-pockets - but that something exactly like the missing items can usually be found a few minutes later for sale across a number of nearby stalls.