Blank Galactic Subsector

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This page is a template blank subsector image generated from Galactic to be used with an image map. The imagemap contains a link for each hex location. It is intended to be used as a template for a Subsector, allow us to generate subsector image maps, to be used in the Template: InfoboxSubsectorImagemap.

At the time of this writing, the wiki template substitution code and the image map template tags don't interact correctly, so this can not be done automatically.

Getting subsector maps from Galactic[edit]

Getting subsector maps from galactic is a simple experince, if you already have the sector/subsector loaded. Navigate to the Galaxy, Sector, and subsector you wish to image. In the screen with the subsector displayed, press the F10 key. This will generate an image of the subsector as a Windows bitmap (BMP) file in the galactic install directory.

The Traveller wiki does not allow uploading of BMP file, so you will need to convert it. If you have an image manipluation program which can output to PNG format, use that. Otherwise you can use an online image converter (we recommment this one).

The author has had problems with Galactic's default color scheme converted to JPEG format. The blue lines used as hex borders come out too dark to be seen properly. We recommend either using PNG images or using the Black background with White text option in Galactic.

Using the maps in the Wiki[edit]

Once you have the image in the correct format, upload the image to the wiki using the Upload file tool in the toolbox.

Next copy the entire text of the imagemap tag below to your new page. You will need to make the following list of changes:

  1. Change the "Image:Blank subsector.jpg" to the Image name you uploaded previouly.
  2. Delete the entire line "poly .... [[xxxx]]" which are empty hexes in your subsector.
  3. Change the text of the links in the remaining lines to the correct world names. e.g. change [[0101]] to [[MyMines (world)]].
Image:Blank subsector.jpg |Blank subsector Image
#Column 1
poly 19  22 32   1 56   1 68  21 56  42 32  42 [[0101]]
poly 19  64 32  43 56  43 68  64 56  84 32  84 [[0102]]
poly 19 106 32  84 56  84 68 105 56 126 32 126 [[0103]]
poly 19 148 32 127 56 127 68 148 56 168 32 168 [[0104]]
poly 19 190 32 169 56 169 68 190 56 210 32 210 [[0105]]
poly 19 232 32 211 56 211 68 232 56 252 32 252 [[0106]]
poly 19 274 32 253 56 253 68 274 56 294 32 294 [[0107]]
poly 19 316 32 295 56 295 68 316 56 336 32 356 [[0108]]
poly 19 358 32 337 56 337 68 358 56 378 32 379 [[0109]]
poly 19 400 32 379 56 379 68 400 56 420 32 420 [[0110]]
#Column 2
poly 57  42 68  22 93  22 104  42 93  63  68  63 [[0201]]
poly 57  84 68  64 93  64 104  84 93 105  68 105 [[0202]]
poly 57 126 68 106 93 106 104 126 93 147  68 147 [[0203]]
poly 57 168 68 148 93 148 104 168 93 189  68 189 [[0204]]
poly 57 210 68 190 93 190 104 210 93 231  68 231 [[0205]]
poly 57 252 68 232 93 232 104 252 93 273  68 273 [[0206]]
poly 57 294 68 274 93 275 104 294 93 315  68 315 [[0207]]
poly 57 336 68 316 93 316 104 336 93 357  68 357 [[0208]]
poly 57 378 68 358 93 358 104 378 93 399  68 399 [[0209]]
poly 57 420 68 400 93 400 104 420 93 441  68 441 [[0210]]
#Column 3
poly 94  22 104   1 128   1 140  21 128  42 104  42 [[0301]]
poly 94  64 104  43 128  43 140  64 128  84 104  84 [[0302]]
poly 94 106 104  84 128  84 140 105 128 126 104 126 [[0303]]
poly 94 148 104 127 128 127 140 148 128 168 104 168 [[0304]]
poly 94 190 104 169 128 169 140 190 128 210 104 210 [[0305]]
poly 94 232 104 211 128 211 140 232 128 252 104 252 [[0306]]
poly 94 274 104 253 128 253 140 274 128 294 104 294 [[0307]]
poly 94 316 104 295 128 295 140 316 128 336 104 356 [[0308]]
poly 94 358 104 337 128 337 140 358 128 378 104 379 [[0309]]
poly 94 400 104 379 128 379 140 400 128 420 104 420 [[0310]]
#Column 4
poly 128  42 140  22 164  22 176  42 164  63  140  63 [[0401]]
poly 128  84 140  64 164  64 176  84 164 105  140 105 [[0402]]
poly 128 126 140 106 164 106 176 126 164 147  140 147 [[0403]]
poly 128 168 140 148 164 148 176 168 164 189  140 189 [[0404]]
poly 128 210 140 190 164 190 176 210 164 231  140 231 [[0405]]
poly 128 252 140 232 164 232 176 252 164 273  140 273 [[0406]]
poly 128 294 140 274 164 275 176 294 164 315  140 315 [[0407]]
poly 128 336 140 316 164 316 176 336 164 357  140 357 [[0408]]
poly 128 378 140 358 164 358 176 378 164 399  140 399 [[0409]]
poly 128 420 140 400 164 400 176 420 164 441  140 441 [[0410]]
#Column 5
poly 164  22 176   1 200   1 212  21 200  42 176  42 [[0501]]
poly 164  64 176  43 200  43 212  64 200  84 176  84 [[0502]]
poly 164 106 176  84 200  84 212 105 200 126 176 126 [[0503]]
poly 164 148 176 127 200 127 212 148 200 168 176 168 [[0504]]
poly 164 190 176 169 200 169 212 190 200 210 176 210 [[0505]]
poly 164 232 176 211 200 211 212 232 200 252 176 252 [[0506]]
poly 164 274 176 253 200 253 212 274 200 294 176 294 [[0507]]
poly 164 316 176 295 200 295 212 316 200 336 176 356 [[0508]]
poly 164 358 176 337 200 337 212 358 200 378 176 379 [[0509]]
poly 164 400 176 379 200 379 212 400 200 420 176 420 [[0510]]
#Column 6
poly 200  42 212  22 236  22 248  42 236  63  212  63 [[0601]]
poly 200  84 212  64 236  64 248  84 236 105  212 105 [[0602]]
poly 200 126 212 106 236 106 248 126 236 147  212 147 [[0603]]
poly 200 168 212 148 236 148 248 168 236 189  212 189 [[0604]]
poly 200 210 212 190 236 190 248 210 236 231  212 231 [[0605]]
poly 200 252 212 232 236 232 248 252 236 273  212 273 [[0606]]
poly 200 294 212 274 236 275 248 294 236 315  212 315 [[0607]]
poly 200 336 212 316 236 316 248 336 236 357  212 357 [[0608]]
poly 200 378 212 358 236 358 248 378 236 399  212 399 [[0609]]
poly 200 420 212 400 236 400 248 420 236 441  212 441 [[0610]]
#Column 7
poly 236  22 248   1 272   1 284  21 272  42 248  42 [[0701]]
poly 236  64 248  43 272  43 284  64 272  84 248  84 [[0702]]
poly 236 106 248  84 272  84 284 105 272 126 248 126 [[0703]]
poly 236 148 248 127 272 127 284 148 272 168 248 168 [[0704]]
poly 236 190 248 169 272 169 284 190 272 210 248 210 [[0705]]
poly 236 232 248 211 272 211 284 232 272 252 248 252 [[0706]]
poly 236 274 248 253 272 253 284 274 272 294 248 294 [[0707]]
poly 236 316 248 295 272 295 284 316 272 336 248 356 [[0708]]
poly 236 358 248 337 272 337 284 358 272 378 248 379 [[0709]]
poly 236 400 248 379 272 379 284 400 272 420 248 420 [[0710]]
#Column 8
poly 272  42 284  22 308  22 320  42 308  63  284  63 [[0801]]
poly 272  84 284  64 308  64 320  84 308 105  284 105 [[0802]]
poly 272 126 284 106 308 106 320 126 308 147  284 147 [[0803]]
poly 272 168 284 148 308 148 320 168 308 189  284 189 [[0804]]
poly 272 210 284 190 308 190 320 210 308 231  284 231 [[0805]]
poly 272 252 284 232 308 232 320 252 308 273  284 273 [[0806]]
poly 272 294 284 274 308 275 320 294 308 315  284 315 [[0807]]
poly 272 336 284 316 308 316 320 336 308 357  284 357 [[0808]]
poly 272 378 284 358 308 358 320 378 308 399  284 399 [[0809]]
poly 272 420 284 400 308 400 320 420 308 441  284 441 [[0810]]
desc none