Wound Badge

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Imperial Wound Badge.png

The Gikhikese (Anglic: Gikhikese) [GEE-kee-KAY-zee] or Wound Badge is an Imperial distinction awarded to personnel who were wounded in combat.

Charted Space Awards
Award Abbreviation Indication Remarks
Wound Badge WB Combat wound. None

Description (Specifications)

The Wound Badge or Gikhikese is a 38mm wide vertical oval metal badge depicting a winged figure flying upwards while carrying a slumped-over figure in combat armor clasped to its breast.

There are three classes of this award

Third Class is for the first award and is in bronze metal. The second through fifth awards are signified with an arc of 1 to 4 red-enamel stars at the top of the badge.
Second Class is for the sixth award and is in silver metal. The seventh through tenth awards are signified with an arc of 1 to 4 bronze stars at the top of the badge.
First Class is for the eleventh award and is in gold metal. Each additional award is signified by an arc of 1 or more silver stars at the top of the badge.

The badge is worn on the left breast pocket of the uniform shirt or jacket or on the left side of the overcoat or dress tunic.

Subdued versions in dull polymer are worn on the combat or fatigue uniforms or can be epoxied to battledress or vacc suits.

History & Background (Dossier)

No information currently available.

This award has also been unofficially referred to as a "Purple Heart" in certain Rim-Anglic dialects, which is believed to refer to the name of an ancient Wound Award issued on pre-starflight Terra.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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