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Base Information
Classification Scavenger/reducer & Saprotrophic decomposer
Terrain Terrestrial/Beach
Locomotion Burrowing/crawling/slithering
Size (1m length 1.1m diameter) / (1.0 kg)
Speed Typical Speed 1 Crawling
Strength Typical Hits to wound/kill 2/0
Social Structure Solitary
Weapons Horns Inflicts 1 Wounds
Armor None, Attack 8 Flee 6
Homeworld Didaa (Fornast 2622)
Multi-world No
Canon No
Extinct Extant
Reference Ronald B. Kline, Jr.

The Bespine is a creature lifeform that is not a sophont.

Description (Specifications)

The Bespine is a bilaterally symmetrical, poikilothermic decomposer. It is a scavenger and a reducer native to the beaches of Didaa (world). They are among the smallest of the terrestrial animal species found in the beach ecosystems. They evolved from early amphibious forms but now dwell exclusively on land, yet still near the vast dark oceans of their world.

Crude light receptors tuned to IR allow the animal to detect day and night cycles. They typically lie just below the surface, hidden by loose sand and decaying plant matter. Plants along the beach side dunes are typical for them. Their hollow spines facilitate gas exchange while buried. If disturbed or stepped on while hidden the spiny layer tends to dissuade many would be predators. They are not difficult to kill, once you get past their spiny dorsal array.

Physiology & Ecology

They have a flattened black body. The ventral surface is covered into rasping mouth parts which emerge from shielded alcoves. The dorsal surface is covered in a thick mat of spines. The body lacks sophisticated organs and consists of thick layers of specialized tissues working in concert. They have a thick syncitial integument. They are coordinated by diffuse neural ganglia. They exchange gases, and pass nitrogenous wastes through pores in the dermal layers. The secrete thick layers of mucus to avoid desiccation, and facilitate movement with their muscular foot.

Life Cycle & Reproduction

What early human visitors discovered the hard way is that once the skin has been ruptured they display a strange adaptive tactic. Any claw or bite wound results in an eruption of reproductive cells.

Undisturbed adults can asexually produce and deposit young, but the primary method of ensuring the survival of the species involves taking parasitic advantage of a would be predator/host. Thick gouts of sticky tendrils of slimy endosporic cells cling to skins, appendages, and mouth parts. As the Bespine adult dies, millions of the next generation explode onto and eventually into the would be consumer. The cells are immune to digestive acids. They colonize the new host and grow within its body as parasites. Eventually the mature stage is excreted from the terminus of the native life forms gastrointestinal tracts. These young adults have a great head start on life and continue to grow until reaching the 1.0 kg full grown size.

Diet & Trophics

They crawl onto food items and use their myriad of scraping and scooping mouth parts, the whole surface area of the ventral side facilitates nutrient absorption. They reclaim and recycle nutrients left behind by other organisms. They move toward food items based on chemoreception nodes which line the edges of the body which divide the spiny dorsal surface from the ventrally located muscular feeding side.

When carrion is detected they crawl toward it and slide over it. Corpses of animals are often found covered with a layer of these slimy, spiny discs obscuring all visible surface areas. They remain attached until nothing remains of the carcass. They are simple and very efficient.

History & Background (Dossier)

The original zoological notations for this species was a notation: beach spines. This became corrupted and shortened into Bespine.

Derived Products (Goods)

No information yet available.

Travellers' Aid Society Advisory

The Travellers' Aid Society (TAS) classifies the Bespine as threatening to most sophonts and makes a special advisory to avoid interaction with this creature at all costs.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This creature can primarily be found in the following areas:

Homeworld: 1105

The homeworld of this creature is:

World Listing: 1105

Significant communities of this creature are known to be found within the following systems and worlds:

1 of 1 World articles in Bespine
Didaa  •  
startbacknext(1 listed)

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.