Plasma Bazooka

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9cm Plasma Bazooka
Imperial Sunburst-Sun-IISS-Traveller.gif
Group: Plasma, Rifle
Tech Level TL–10
Size 85.0 cm
Weight 43.2 kg
Cost Cr67,500
Ammo 9x32 CPC plasma cartridge
Manufacturer Various

The Plasma Bazooka is the least sophisticated of the Plasma Weapons, but it does provide a moderately portable antiarmor firepower at much lower tech levels than those at which effective man-portable high-energy weapons become practical.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Unlike the more sophisticated Plasma Rifles which separate their firing unit from their support hardware, the plasma bazooka comes in one piece, and is fired from the shoulder. It fires an individually loaded chemical plasma cartridge (CPC). The cartridge contains the ignition chamber for the plasma stream and a disposable laser ignition system. Part of the cartridge's great weight (16.2kg) comes from the fact that it must vent a significant amount of energy out the rear of the bazooka in order to negate its recoil. However this creates considerable backblast. All personnel standing within 10 meters directly behind the weapon may be killed, and the weapon may not be fired from inside an enclosure.

The plasma bazooka crew usually consists of two personnel, the bazooka gunner and a loader/ammo carrier. The bazooka team is typically provided with a light vehicle as well.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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