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Notes (2007)

From the article:

Over the next 500 years, the Hhkar expanded their sphere of occupied worlds, following similar patterns. The expansion was brought to a halt in 377, when Commodore David Lindquist of the Star Legion was able to almost defeat the Hhkar at Kargan; the Hhkar were so impressed by Lindquist’s tenacity and cleverness that when he was captured, he was given an honorable execution,
Over on, I was unable to find the world of Kargan: but I was able to locate the Kargar system, quite close to the Hhkar sphere. I'm provisionally renaming the system. If someone has the original data on Amdukan Sector, they are welcome to rename it right back if I'm wrong.
- Travalv 05:08, 26 June 2007 (UTC)

I double checked the GT:AR4 source and it uses the name Kargar. The real source should be Challenge52 which I don't have.
- Tjoneslo 19:40, 26 June 2007 (UTC)