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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Demographics

Data Source: TravellerMap Prior to Donald McKinney's passing he was always doing work on cleaning up sectors. This work became publicly disseminated at TravellerMap. What I have done is automated a process that collects all the sectors found at TravellerMap into a Microsoft Access Database, cleanup unofficial sectors to standardize the data. This means only clean up improper field values when found. I do not otherwise question the validity of the data.


Each Mainworld has a Population Digit and Population Multiplier. Total Population is standard 10Population Digit x Population Multiplier Because data is parsed out all sorts of queries can be built Population by Sector, Population by Allegiance Code by Sophont Code and so on.

-Individual Sophont Populations-

Built into the T5 Second Survey Remarks are Sophont Codes in the for SophN. Soph is the first 4 characters of a Sophont Name and N represents a value of 10ths of Total Population for that world. W repesents 100%, 0 represents 1-4% (I choose 4%) the others represent 10% increments. Also some codes representing (Sophont) or (Sophont)N appear. I assume these homeworlds ARE 100% or W unless a number appears. (Syleans)5 is an example where the number is deliberately used. In some cases the total percent comes up to more than 100%. In cases like this the largest percent sophont is reduced so the total is 100%. In cases where this is already less than 100% the remainder are assumed to be Huma (Vilani/Solomani mix). This method produces an intentional bias to give anything other than Vilani/Solomani better representation. Finally take total population and multiply by percent of component sophont to derive a population for the world. Get the database to do the SQL query and 20 seconds an answer for 8000+ (for the Imperium) worlds. 45 seconds for 200000+ (all of travellermap including the Zhodani Core Route sectors) worlds

Inaccuracies The only real inaccuracy comes from a lack of reporting in TravellerMap. If it is not there, what is a more accurate source? (Unsigned post by Nathan Brazil)

What do you mean by a lack of reporting? If there are no sophont remarks, one should assume the population is whatever the default population for its allegiance is. Also, please sign your posts with ~~~~. 77topaz (talk) 03:39, 1 February 2016 (EST)