Strend Cluster

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Strend Cluster (Polity) Synopsis

The Strend Cluster is a minor human polity located in Menorial Subsector of Trojan Reach Sector.

The members of the Cluster are technologically advanced and moderately powerful but expend so much of their energy in futile cold wars with the Imperium and the Florian League that their power is severely limited.

Strend Cluster (Polity) Goals

The maintenance of the stasis quo power structure while thwarting the encroachment of other governments and megacorporations.

Strend Cluster (Polity) Government & Law

The Cluster is ruled by a totalitarian government based on Strend (0505).

Strend Cluster (Polity) Military & Intelligence

The powerful Strend Navy is responsible for defending this realm.

Strend Cluster (Polity) History & Background

The Cluster was settled by an independent Solomani trader named Lucien Strend in the 800s. Strend and his followers were devotees of the ancient French culture from Terra. French is the official language of the cluster.

Rumors link the Cluster to various anti-Imperial factions operating in the Spinward Marches and to occasional attacks on Imperial shipping along the Florian Corridor.

Strend Cluster (Polity) Sectors

This government is located in the Trojan Reach Sector.

Strend Cluster (Polity) References

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.