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{{LEN|Principality of Caledon worlds}}

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MacBeth/Caledon (Reaver's Deep 1717)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportB Good: Spacecraft Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere7 Standard (tainted)
Hydrographics3 Wet World 30%
Population7 Moderate (0 million)
Government3 Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law3 Low Law (no automatic weapons)
Tech LevelA Early Stellar (jump drive)
See also UWP

Primary: Binary system. Duncan, spectral class K9V. ICN S4G0107K9V. Mass .505 standard. Stellar diameter .552 standard. Luminosity .048 standard. Banquo, spectral class M3 D. ICN S4G0107M3D. Mass 1.11 standard. Stellar diameter .006 standard. Luminosity .00003 standard. Orbital radius 620 AU.

Planetary System: Duncan, two major bodies. One inhabited world (MacBeth, II). No gas giants. No planetoid belts. Banquo, two major bodies. No inhabited worlds. Two gas giants in system. Two planetoid belts in system.

II MacBeth: Mean orbital radius, 47.87 million kilometers (.32 AU). Period 93.0 days. No satellites. Diameter, 8350 kilometers. Density, .98 standard. Mass, 0.239 standard. Mean surface gravity, .61G. Rotation period: 4.2 hours, 17 minutes, 16 seconds. Axial inclination 19°15'20.8". Albedo, . 11. Surface atmospheric pressure, 1.0 atm. Composition, oxygen-nitrogen mix with volcanic sulfur taint; filter masks required to breathe atmosphere. Hydrographic percentage, 38%; composition, water and frozen water-ice. Mean surface temperature, 10°C.

Remarks: MacBeth was originally settled for one purpose and one purpose only- industrial grade diamonds, which occur in great quantities on the planet. The bulk of the gems used in laser-optic computer systems manufactured in the Principality of Caledon, are blue diamonds from MacBeth.

MacBeth is a geologically active world, with tidal stresses contributing enormously to seismic and volcanic activity across the surface of the planet. Diamonds are generally associated with volcanic activity, and that is certainly the case on this world.. Of course, not all of the planetary surface is inhospitable, though volcanic outgassing has tainted the atmosphere with sulfur and sulfur compounds, making filter masks essential when breathing the outside air. But the colony, comprised of several cities, including Duncinae, Birnham and Scone, is fairly secure from the worst seismic disturbances.

Diamond mines, however, are more risky propositions. Small camps are set up to explore and exploit regions where diamonds might be found; the discovery of a worthwhile producing site leads to a more permanent settlement. Often these sites are in the shadow of an active volcano and, given the generally unstable conditions of MacBeth, the work can be hazardous in the extreme.

MacBeth's diamond producing areas attract attention from outside the Principality as well as from within. Miners from the Imperial megacorporation Sternmetal Horizons, LIC, have obtained a license to explore and exploit sites and ship the proceeds back to the Imperium. It is also reasonably certain that ships from Germaine (Reaver's Deep 2019), a hostile world outside the Principality, pay occasional clandestine visits to search for gems or to make contact with local miners willing to deal with them. The naval base at MacBeth has hindered, but not entirely eliminated, the success of such illegal ventures.

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