Talk:Virus/New Era/secret

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Non-Cannon Virus Nature[edit]

  • Q1. What is the difference between the Virus and any of the many other computer Viruses that have existed before ?
  • Q2. What makes it so deadly, so potent it brought the collapse of civilization ?
  • Q3. Does Virus make adjustments to its Nature when it comes into contact with resistant biological sophonts? Example: What adaptions does Virus make when it encounters Vargr who do not recognize its 'Charisma', making them poor servants? One possible answer is below, (see MTHR-WLF).

Non-Cannon Virus Supposition[edit]

Traditional computer viruses were called viruses because of their ability to reproduce and propagate unwanted.

However, there is one feature that they do not share with biological viruses and that the Virus does :the later is not just a piece of software. It is a life form.

It may not be carbon-based but silicon-based, but it is a life form anyway, and life forms reproduce themselves in the physical world. The Virus does not just make software copies of itself: it physically contaminates the hardware of the infected systems by using the silicone available in the chips of the system to reproduce itself. And it is also because it is a life form that the Virus mutates.

Traditional computer viruses do not mutate - although AI, who are life forms but only in software, do.

The virus also contaminates the software of the system, but if that would be alone, there would be no difference with traditional viruses. And the cure would not be different: erase the whole software and reprogram everything.

But when the hardware itself is carrying the infection, what do you do? Well, as they say, in the Wilds, the only sure means of destruction is to burn it.

Otherwise, as soon as you try to use the hardware again, you will have to face the Virus again. And yes, it will try to kill you (...or control, manipulate, use you, whatever ...).

  • A3 Virus can make adaptations to itself in later Strains (4 and 5 and on) when it encounters biological races that are proving difficult to manipulate. Vargr make poor slaves because as a race, they do not recognize Virus 'Charisma' and cannot bring themselves to obey talking machinery. One adaptation is a Strain 5X Virus designated MTHR-WLF.


Strain 5 X Mother Virus

Vargr Extents (wherever the Referee places it/her)

Grating against the Vargr need for Charismatic leaders, this Mother Virus has adapted to the pack mentality of the Vargr in its travels Coreward. Through trial and error, the Strain 5 MTHR-WLF has had many successes and failures. Electromagnetic Pulse scarring has caused 'her' to drop vowels in all text (or reducing it to hexidecimal or binary) and clipped her speech slightly. Yet she has evolved herself to the following behavior parameters:

1. She mimics sleep periods of random length. This allows her time for self-introspection and sub-routine analysis. It is during this time that she 'dreams'. She can be awakened by recieving input 'interrupts' to gain her attention.

2. MTHR-WLF has adopted the role of Mother 'instincts', the need to see her charges cooperate over compete.

3. She intimates a Vargr beta role in that she allows for a Charismatic Vargr leader, such as a ship's Captain, planetary Administrator or empire figure head. However, she immediately demands to be next in command as the system scope's second in command. This allows Vargr under her to obey the commanding Charisma of the alpha while she becomes the "power behind the throne". It is through this method she circumnavigates the Vargr need for Charisma when she has none in their eyes.

4. The MTHR-WLF Virus often stows away but exerts no presence when searching for a suitable 'pack'.

5. MTHR-WLF is self-limiting and often un-installs herself from lesser devices once a more complex system is found, e.g. ships over computers, planets over vessels, etc.) Such un-installs destroy the device or computer as MTHR-WLF leaves it, like some pseudo-death and reincarnation to the new, larger system. Thus this Mother Virus can choose to upgrade herself if it serves her purpose. She will wait until conditions are safe for her 'pack', say her farewells and then move on after warning of the un-install.

6. Finally, MTHR-WLF will enforce laws and punishments for infractions by the Law Level of the vessel, nation, continent, planet or world she inhabits; again she takes the second-in-command view so as to not frighten her 'children'.

7. The Vargr with the most Charisma is the only biological sophont MTHR-WLF will let herself obey within self-preserving limits. All other subordinate Vargr are given attention, consideration and analysis before she complies with requests.

8. MTHR-WLF is not an Empire Builder. She will limit her influence to one vessel, nation, continent, or world. She does not compete with herself, choosing a 'sister-next-door' attitude to other versions of herself. Should two MTHR-WLF Virus touch, reproduction and sublimation of damaged code will occur. Then the two will seperate, having "caught up" with itself and current affairs.

(The Pakkrat Sept.10, 2015)

Non-canon Virus Infection[edit]

  • How does this physical infection take place ?

It is up to the GM to decide. It would make sense that physical contamination requires physical contact between the infecting (vector) and the infected system (victim).

This is however restricting in terms of story. Maybe the Virus can first 'hack' into other systems to take control of them or install pure software means of bringing the other system into physical contact?

The theory of a Virus that is a psionimorph or psionic life form also brings interesting explanations as psionic powers are capable of influencing matter. An infected system would then be able to infect another using a special form of psionic power similar to the Arcane psionic power carried out through telecommunications.

  • After all, did not they say that Telepathy is based on reading brainwaves, which are just another kind of electromagnetic waves ?

Suggestion: The Virus is a silicone-based life-form and a sort of ergivore/autotroph, capable of using energy from photovoltaic or thermovoltaic sources. It reproduces by imprinting a certain crystalline pattern onto the silicium, where it develops.

It is able to reproduce to reproduce by two different ways:

  • direct physical contact between infected silicium and un-infected silicum.
  • reorganisation of un-infected siliciul to match the crystalline patern it needs by using certain radio wave patterns.

In both cases, energy is needed.

Biological computers[edit]

Since the virus is then defined as a silicone-based life form, that would imply that a non-silicone-based computer could not be infected. Thus giving way to biological computers.

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