Simplist Movement
The Simplist Movement is a philosophy found mostly in the Dagudashaag Sector, but also still present across the Imperial Core.
Description / Specifications[edit]
The Simplist Movement follows a philosophy that states the only healthy, morally correct way to live is through a combination of low technology and hard physical labor.
History & Background / Dossier[edit]
Simplist follow the teaching of their rather bizarre prophet, Ignaaz Flansheet (800-995). He believed that society placed far too much trust in technology, and as a direct consequence a new Long Night would occur. The only way to avoid such a conflagration, he argued, was to revert to a far simpler way of life. Although Flansheet was never taken seriously during his lifetime, his collected writings were published after his death and gained a small following. Simplist societies can be can be found across the Imperial core.
References & Contributors / Sources[edit]
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- Jae Campbell. "Library Data: Laraa." Signal-GK 08 (1994): 53. via. HIWG
- Jae Campbell. Encyclopaedia Dagudashaag (Signal-GK, 2017), 325.