Plasma Weapon

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Plasma Weapons are a type of High-Energy Weapon that fires a stream of hydrogen plasma.

Description / Specifications[edit]

No information yet available.

PGMP (Plasma Gun-Man Portable)[edit]

The PGMP consists of a power pack carried on the firer’s back, the weapon itself, and a flexible power link. The power pack powers a laser ignition system in the weapon itself which heats hydrogen fuel to a plasma state. The plasma is contained in the ignition chamber briefly and is then released through a magnetically focused field along the weapon’s barrel. The high initial velocity plasma jet is 2 centimeters in diameter, but it begins to dissipate immediately. Each power pack has sufficient energy to discharge 40 plasma bolts before recharging is necessary. Each pull of the trigger discharges one plasma bolt.

PGMP-13 is a high-gain, light plasma gun designed exclusively for use with Battle Dress. Of similar general configuration to the PGMP-12, the PGMP-13 may only be fired by an individual wearing battle dress and only when the firer is stationary and firmly braced in one of several standard firing positions. This condition allows the suit’s normal strength enhance ment units to function as a recoil carriage. Instead of a conventional stock, the PGMP-13 has a recoil cylinder terminating in a computer link to the battle dress. The computer link engages when placed in the PGMP socket integral to the battle dress (placed over the upper right or upper left chest/shoulder). The weapon may not be fired unless the socket is engaged. Engagement projects crosshairs on the faceplate for targetting. The weapon may be fired every combat round. The power pack is a small fusion reactor with effectively unlimited fuel for combat purposes (but it requires periodic refueling and routine maintainance every 24-36 hours, depending on amount of use).

PGMP-14 is the final development of the light plasma gun. The PGMP-14 incorporates a gravity field generator which enables personnel not in powered armor to both carry the weapon and to fire it. The weapon’s computer system automatically biases the field to provide near total recoil compensation. It is otherwise similar to the PGMP-13 in performance.

Plasma Rifle[edit]

A highly advanced, very portable version of the earlier PGMP weapons.

Vehicle Weapons[edit]

Vehicle mounted plasma weapons have been standardized into A, B, and C weapons, further divided by TL. These standard weapons have a similiar output and damage capacity, but advanced in technology making the weapons smaller, lighter and cheaper. Some are marked with (R) or (RP) for rapid pulse weapons.

Vehicle-mount Plasma Weapons
Type TL Mass Cost
A-10 TL-10 400.0 kg Cr32,000
A-11 TL-11 200.0 kg Cr26,400
B-11 TL-11 470.0 kg Cr62,800
RA-12 TL-12 80.0 kg Cr22,800
B-12 TL-12 189.0 kg Cr54,000
C-12 TL-12 448.0 kg Cr128,000
RA-13 TL-13 34.0 kg Cr22,800
RB-13 TL-13 81.0 kg Cr54,000
C-13 TL-13 192.0 kg Cr128,000
RA-14 TL-14 20.0 kg Cr16,000
RB-14 TL-14 47.0 kg Cr37,700
RC-14 TL-14 112.0 kg Cr89,700
RA-15 TL-15 14.0 kg Cr16,000
RB-15 TL-15 33.0 kg Cr37,700
RC-15 TL-15 78.0 kg Cr89,700

History & Background / Dossier[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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