Ksoesueng Reghz

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A polity active in Ghoekhnael Sector. A Vargr state, its name is Arrghoun for "Hidden Throne".

The Thoerz Zdarr worlds were split between the Ksoesueng Reghz and the Drakarans following that nation's war with the Taakas Yh'Drak in 1111-1113.

Thoerz Zdarr refugees were calling for a pan-Vargr crusade against the attacking Drakarans. The Ksoesueng Reghz remained neutral, but large numbers of mercenaries from the empire supported the Thoerz Zdarr cause. The Drakarans worried that the Ksoesueng Reghz would be drawn into the war, but when the state did choose to act, it seized the two remaining Thoerz Zdarr worlds for itself, completing that nation's destruction.

1114 onward saw an uneasy peace with the Drakarans, thanks to outside arbitration (both Vargr and Zhodani).


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