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A Heliosphere is a bubble-like region of space dominated by one or more stars.


Plasma "blown" out from the star, known as the solar wind, creates and maintains a bubble or cavity against the outside pressure of the interstellar medium, the hydrogen and helium gas that permeates the Galaxy.

The termination shock is the boundary marking one of the outer limits of the star's influence. It is the region where the bubble of solar wind particles begin to press into the interstellar medium and slow down, so that they are traveling slower than the speed of sound relative to the star.

Solar Sails & Light Ships[edit]

The solar wind is extremely important to vessels employing Solar Sails.


The Heliosphere represents the symbolic domain of an astrographic hex as designated by the IISS.

Image Repository[edit]

Terra System.jpg

An overview of the Terra system, representative of the structure of a star system.


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