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Sandcasters are a Turret mounted starship defensive weapon; they dispense small particles which counteract the strength of lasers and protect the ship. [1]

  • Sandcasters project a granular agent which obstructs light; when they are fired, the agent interferes with incoming laser or energy weapon fire. [2]
  • A sandcaster is a KEW classed defensive weapon.
  • Ablative sand works against missiles, plasma guns, fusion guns, as well as lasers.

Description (Specifications)

Defensive starship weapon that dispenses small particles of a granular agent which obstructs light; when fired it interferes with incoming laser or energy weapon fire and protects the ship. The specific particles used by sandcasters are similar to ablat personal armor. [1]

Typical Sandcaster Projector Cost

Ship Weapons [3]
Equipment Type Typical Cost (Cr) Weight
Sandcaster Cr250,000 1 ton

Typical Sandcaster Turret

Each turret has a volume of 13.5 kiloliters. Each turret can have 1, 2, or 3 weapons (sandcasters). The price shown is for one weapon. [4]

Sandcaster Turrets [5]
TL Type Power Weight Price

Typical Sandcaster Ammunition Cost

Replacement canisters of this special sand weigh about 50.0 kg and cost Cr400. [1]

History & Background (Dossier)

By the TL:7-9 epoch, lasers and other energy weapons (DEW) have become an important part of the battlefield, with lasers widespread and effective by TL:10-12. Early reflective and ablative armors reduced the effectiveness of energy weapons to a degree, but not nearly as much as reflective aerosols and ablative particulate clouds, which led to the rise of sandcasters. They are still one of the most potent defenses against energy weapons.

Reloading Sandcasters

Reloading: Each launcher (sand or missile) has an inherent capacity for three canisters. This means that a triple turret with three missile launchers has a total of nine missiles in ready position.

When a launcher's missiles or canisters are exhausted, it can be quickly reloaded by the turret's gunner. Reloading three launchers takes slightly longer. A gunner engaged in reloading is unable to fire other weaponry in the turret. [6]

References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.