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Revision as of 02:28, 11 February 2018

Aslan Aerospace Force Ranks
(Approximate Translations)
Commissioned Officers (Male / Female)
O10 » Clan Air Marshal
O9 » Air Marshal / Corps Chief of Staff
O8 » Air Vice-Marshal / Division Chief of Staff
O7 » Group Commandant / Senior Group Executive
O6 » Group Leader / Group Executive
O5 » Wing Leader / Executive
O4 » Squadron Leader
O3 » Flight Commandant
O2 » Pilot
O1 » Flight Cadet
Enlisted (Warriors) - ((Male / Female))
E9 » Honored Air Warrior Leader
E8 » Leader of Clansmen
E7 » Leader of Air Warriors / Warsisters
E6 » Chief Honored Air Warrior / Warsister
E5 » Honored Air Warrior / Warsister
E4 » Veteran Air Warrior / Warsister
E3 » Air Warrior
E2 » Veteran Flyer
E1 » Flyer
E0 » Flyer Recruit
Aslan Military Ranks
(Approximate Translations)
Commissioned Officers (Male / Female)
O10 » Field Marshal
O9 » General / Chief of Staff
O8 » Corps General / Corps Chief of Staff
O7 » Division General / Division Chief of Staff
O6 » Senior Commandant / Senior Executive
O5 » Commandant / Executive
O4 » Captain
O3 » Lieutenant
O2 » Junior Lieutenant
O1 » Cadet
Enlisted (Warriors) - (Male / Female)
E9 » Honored Warrior Leader
E8 » Leader of Clansmen
E7 » Leader of Warriors / Warsisters
E6 » Chief Honored Warrior / Warsister
E5 » Honored Warrior / Warsister
E4 » Veteran Warrior / Warsister
E3 » Warrior
E2 » Veteran Soldier
E1 » Soldier
E0 » Soldier Recruit

The Aslan Hierate has no Hierate-wide military organization. Rather, individual clans each maintain their own Clan Militaries to defend their own interests.

Description (Specifications)

No information yet available.

Mission (Goals)

Clan armed forces serve to facilitate the organized acquisition of additional territory by whatever means necessary for the clan and the fulfillment of the biological imperative. Internal competition and the need to garrison worlds within their borders is fortunately the main reason they have not over run the rest of explored space. No clan can afford to over extend themselves lest the other competitors sweep in to take what they can no longer hold. Offensive expansion is always the goal, any other operations are a means to that end.

Doctrine & Strategy (Operations)

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

TO&E (Organization)

Combined arms regiments are typical units for clan several militaries. These regiments are provided with a battle transport which helps the unit fight its way to the surface. Close support fighters and heavily armed and armored grav vehicles are integrated to the squad level. These units have high morale and high initiative officers who favor bold aggressive attacks, feints combined with long range strikes.

Ground Forces Composition

No information yet available.

Selected Vehicle Classes

Some vehicle classes widely used within Aslan Space include:

  1. TBD

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.