Kasharic Imperial Navy

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The Kasharic Imperial Navy serves the Kashar (world). It is part of the Kasharic Imperial Military Forces.

Description (Specifications)

Capable of domestic manufacture of TL–A system defense vessels, this fleet has three million tons of vessels in service.

Goals (Mission)

The mission of the navy is to enforce the imperial will and secure the safety of throne and its' loyal subjects.

Strategy & Doctrine (Operations)

Resources are distributed throughout the system to defend all areas. In the event of a direct assault on the main world remote bases scattered across the system send their squadrons to harass the enemy and prevent the ability to establish a sustainable beachhead. Delay and denial are mission critical. To make the system impossible to safely occupy.

Rank & Grade (Hierarchy)

High ranking loyal followers of the emperor sponsor certain squadrons with the revenues from the territories they administer on the behalf of the imperial throne.

History & Background (Dossier)

Once the trail of emperors arrived in power, the forces were restructured to reflect the new philosophy.

Tables of Organization (Organizational Structure)

Squadrons of ships can be sub tasked as divisions. Several squadrons compose the fleet. Flotillas are formed from lighter combatants in larger numbers.

Combat Elements

This vessel can perform commercial customs and safety inspections, boarding actions and insert a reinforced marine tactical assault squad supported by a section of combat walkers.

System Defense, Imperial Light class, Inspections Cutter

IC-0304622-130000-10001-0  MCr. 18.27		50 Tons
Bearing	    1     1   1	                        Crew 14
Batteries   1     1   1	                        TL 10
Cargo: 0   Fuel: 3   EP: 3   Agility: 4 Pulse Laser, Marines: 12 Drop Capsules 1 (plus 7 ready) 
Craft: 1x 4T Assault Sled, 2x1 T Combat Walkers
Fuel Treatment:   Fuel Scoops  
Architects Fee: MCr 0.183   Cost in Quantity: MCr 14.616

These vessels hide, often in plain sight. They are optimized gun and missile weapon platforms. The basic asteroid hull was not upgraded in anyway defensively, only weapon systems were installed. They fighters are used to bring down any targets too agile for this brute to intercept. They can deliver a protected forces marine commando platoon.

System Defense, Karboola Extreme class Asteroid Monitor

BM-L8068D3-300000-65J08-1  MCr. 27,193.097	29,000 Tons
Bearing	    	  311 K                         Crew 356
Batteries         311 L	                        TL 10
Cargo: 12 tons Fuel: 2,320 tons EP: 2,320 Agility: 4   Marines: 36   Drop Capsules: 6 (plus 30 Ready) Pulse Lasers
Craft: 4 x 70T Fuel Lighters, 10 x 10T Light Fighters
Fuel Treatment:   On Board Fuel Purification
Backups: 1 x Model/4fib Computer
Architects Fee: MCr 271.931   Cost in Quantity: MCr 21,754.477
181 double occupancy staterooms for 15 command, 119 engineers, 95 gunnery, 33 flight, 58 service, and 36 marines.
Twenty 100 ton missile bays 

Marine close support gunships drop in small platoons and then provide on demand fire support missions with overlapping fields of fire. They are heavily armored to resist most ground fire. They tend to use the six beam lasers for point defense, the six missiles for ortillery and the four plasma cannons for destroying enemy vehicles. They are widely feared as efficient Grav Tank busters.

System Defense Boat, Burton Wilhelm class Gunboat

GB-62066D2-A00000-41003-0  MCr. 775.3	        600 Tons
Bearing	    	  14  1                         Crew 47
Batteries         14  1	                        TL 10
Cargo: 9 tons Fuel: 36 tons EP: 36 Agility: 4   Marines: 32   Drop Capsules: 2 (plus 30 Ready)
Fuel Treatment:   Fuel Scoops  
Architects Fee: MCr 7.753   Cost in Quantity: MCr 620.240
23.5 double occupancy staterooms for Pilot, Navigator, 6 Engineers, Medic, 6 Gunners and 32 Marines.
Type Representative Class TL Tonnage

Support Elements

Type Representative Class TL Tonnage

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This fleet can be primarily found in the following areas:
Charted Space: This is an autonomous planet on the Distant Fringe.

Headquarters Data: 1105

The following mainworld is the primary headquarters of this fleet:

  1. Kashar (world)

World Listing: 1105

This fleet often patrols the following systems and worlds: Barabek Loop

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.