Development Organization

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Development Organizations are any of a number of large ventures that came into existence following the Renaissance, with the purpose of developing the systems of the Distant Fringe.

Description / Specifications[edit]

Development Organizations claimed altruistic intentions – the dissipation of humanity over a broad area to lessen the danger of disaster – but their bottom line was always commerce. The original development organisations were:

4870AD–ca 5200AD: became the Corolian Jurisdicture
ca 4901AD–ca 5200AD: became the Scybrian Polyarchy
4913AD to present
4830AD–5116AD – merged with the Firstworlds.
ca 4933AD–5350AD: became the Rimward Federation
ca 4980AD-5300AD: a legacy of powerful, developed worlds.

Of these only Bright Expansion still operates as of 5600AD, though in a much reduced capacity.

Typical Structure[edit]

  • Head Office': Shareholders, Board of Directors, CEO, Audit Department, Strategy Committee, Financial Office
  • Corporate Planning Department:
  • Investment Department: Sales Account Service, Customer Service
  • Marketing Department: Planning Department, Research Department, Engineering Department
  • Purchasing Departments: World Departments
  • Sales Department
  • Service Department: Technical Services Department, Customer Service Department, Logistics Department
  • Sophont Resources Department:

History & Background / Dossier[edit]

All Development Organizations operated as monopolies within their areas of interest, where their dominance allowed them to behave independently of competitive pressures and free of regulatory authorities. They were always extremely ephemeral, often with no more than ten members of staff in most systems they claimed control of, and fielding relatively few vessels.

Despite their relatively sparse distribution they overwhelmingly controlled interstellar transport and brokerage, they blatantly interfered in local politics to further their own ends, and exploitation and corruption was rife at all levels. The organisations generated vast wealth and employees lived like lords, usually at the expense of the local inhabitants. This generated enormous resentment among subject worlds and helped give rise to the so-called “Golden Age”.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.