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A Proto-Sophont is an advanced lifeform that has begun the process of creating an identity, culture, and civilization including the development and use of increasingly advanced technologies.

  • Sophontigraphic term
  • TL-0 lifeform possessing advanced intelligence hallmarks

Description (Specifications)

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)

The Major Races all possess different attitudes towards what is considered proper conduct towards proto-sophonts. Some like the Hivers look on proto's as children to be cared for and raised to benevolent sophonce, while others such as the K'kree look on proto's as agricultural crops to be weeded and culled to encourage desired characteristics. The Third Imperium stands somewhere in between and officially values proto-sophont lifeforms and civilizations, but then all too often turns a blind eye to the subjugation and oppression of such species.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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