Stuart Dollar

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Stuart Dollar is a Traveller author, contributor, and fan.

Description (Biography)

Stuart's experience with Traveller dates back to GMing the original three LBB series books (with death on the table in character generation) way back in 1979 as a high school kid. My experience with writing for Traveller came from my presence on, and friendship with several folks on the Traveller Mailing List (an old Listserv email list that's still around, from what I understand, though I am no longer a part of it. My first project was stepping in at the 11th Hour for another freelance writer to write a Section of the Milieu 0 (Zero) setting for Traveller 4th Edition by Imperium Games.

I wrote a lot of material for Imperium Games, including a lot I never got paid for. ]Amongst my other titles were Psionic Institutes, additional material for Milieu 0 Campaign (a hardcover combining Milieu 0 and First Survey with about 20 pages of new material), Psionic Empires, a couple of adventures for GenCon 1997 (has it really been that long?), and The Vilani Hypothesis (a short campaign that was never published).

I look back on my year writing for the game with fondness, and have no regrets. Since that time, I continue to run games as varied as Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, Gumshoe system, Powered by the Apocalypse, and a number of other indie titles. I no longer run Traveller, as I came to realization, after running little else in the first 25 years of my gaming career, that the Traveller well had run dry.

External Link/s

This person has the following external links available:

  • TBD

History & Background (Dossier)

This person has been involved with Traveller in the following ways:

Traveller RPG Wiki Participation

This person has participated at the wiki.

Bibliography-Ludography (Published Products)

This person has authored, contributed, playtested, or otherwise participated in the publication of the following products:

Publications where this person is mentioned in the credits

References & Contributions (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.