Lester Smith

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Lester Smith is a Traveller author, contributor, and fan.

Description (Biography)

Lester Smith gave up three different, entirely reasonable careers in order to pursue an occupation (perhaps more accurately, a preoccupation) as a game designer.

An alumnus of Game Designers' Workshop, worked full-time in the hobby as lead designer fo the 2300 AD role-playing game. He worked on several Twilight: 2000 supplements and many Space 1889 projects, designed the Dark Conspiracy horror RPG and many of it supplements, and contributed to the inital work on the Traveller: The New Era RPG.

Les then moved to TSR, where he began work as designer of the Bughunters RPG, part of the short lived Amazing Engine line of games, and designed the Origin-award winning Dragon Dice.

Shortly thereafter, Les left TSR to help Ken Whitman in the relaunch of the Traveller RPG line by Imperium.

External Link/s

This person has the following external links available:


Library Data Entries (Public)

  1. TBD

History & Background (Dossier)

This person has been involved with Traveller in the following ways:

  • Author

Traveller RPG Wiki Participation

This person has not yet elected to participate at the wiki.

Bibliography-Ludography (Published Products)

This person has authored, contributed, playtested, or otherwise participated in the publication of the following products:

Publications where this person is mentioned in the credits

References & Contributions (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.