Libations of Charted Space

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Charted Space is full of sophont species and each of them has preferences for certain libations (beverages).

  • The following AAB article touches upon some of the more popular or well-known beverages consumed within Charted Space.

Description (Specifications)

The vast majority of known life within Charted Space consists of lifeforms with conventional carbon-water based biochemistries.

  • Water is probably the most common beverage in the universe although many sophont species have preferences for the subcomponents and minerals within a watery solvent beverage.

Libations of the Major Races

No information yet available.

Libations of the Aslan

Libations of the Droyne

Libations of the Hivers

No information yet available.

Libations of Humaniti: Solomani

Libations of Humaniti: Vilani

Libations of Humaniti: Zhodani

No information yet available.

Libations of the K'kree

Libations of the Vargr

Libations of the Well-known Minor Races

No information yet available. Drinks of the Bwap, Virushi, and others.

Libations of the Lesser-known Minor Races

History & Background (Dossier)

Liquid water is the foundation of the vast majority of organic "wet life" creatures and sophonts. As such, every known form of "wet life" puts a premium on the consumption of various types of libations or beverages.

Biochemistry & Biocompatibility

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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