Fringian Maglev End Unit

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Maglev End Unit
Tech Level TL–8
Mass 26 Tons
Cost Cr9,450,000 /
Mode Ground (Rail)
Type Maglev Locomotive
Speed -
Cargo 11m³ / 203m³
Crew 1
Passengers 68 / -
Armament none

The Maglev End Unit is a Maglev Vehicle. It requires a maglev guideway of the correct gauge to operate.

Description / Specifications[edit]

An enclosed maglev vehicle designed to operate on a maglev guideway network. The design sacrifices some internal space to hull shaping in order to give it enhanced aerodynamic performance. The vehicle comes in two variants – the Passenger Model and the Freight Model.

Hull / Suspension[edit]

An enclosed box-shaped airframe hull constructed from alloys and composite materials.

  • Length: 22.1m, Width: 3.6m, Height: 4.4m.
  • Overall Volume: approximately 350m³ (26 dTons).
  • Unloaded Weight: 55,300 kg.

The overall volume measures the vehicles maximum dimensions and includes its seating on the guideway beam and an associated engineering compartment. The enclosed volume of the hull is lower.

The vehicle is fitted with linear motors built into trucks, enabling the vehicle to traverse curves in the guideway.

  • The vehicle is designed to operate on maglev guideway networks. The gauge (the width of the guideway beam) for maglev networks within the Distant Fringe is generally 2m and most examples of the Maglev End Unit are built to match that standard.


The Maglev End Unit draws power from its linear motors. It has backup batteries that can run the onboard systems for up to a day.


  • Cruise Speed: 450 kph, Top Speed: 550 kph.
An independent End Unit travelling in reverse has performance of Cruise Speed: 400 kph, Top Speed: 500 kph.
  • Range: unlimited.

The major limiting factor for performance is atmospheric resistance. Vehicles operating in a vacuum environment do not suffer these problems and may travel at their listed performance rating x2 or more.

Maglev End Units rarely operate independently, though they are capable of doing so do, instead being used to form the heads and tails of longer trains. Maglev End Units have improved aerodynamic properties and can travel at higher speeds than regular (less aerodynamic) maglev vehicles. Maglev End Units have an automatic coupling system that includes data, power and environmental linkages.

Note: the onboard computer system can run the vehicle without the need for crew.

Passenger Model[edit]

A version of the End Unit designed to operate with passenger trains.

Crew / Passengers[edit]

An enclosed compartment fitted with clear windows and with a volume of 266m³ (19 dTons), of which approximately 7m³ (0.5 dTons) is given over to a spacious front-mounted crew compartment. The crew position has advanced controls and a console / heads-up display that provides data such as velocity and component status.

There is seating for 68 passengers, along with a central walkway and a small fresher. The seating is relatively cramped. The vehicle has full environmental protection (the hull is sealed), it has comprehensive electromagnetic shielding and is fitted with interior lighting and full climate control. The passenger compartment is accessed by a small end compartment that can be constructed as an airlock: this compartment also allows access to the adjacent carriage. An onboard computer system manages the vehicle.

  • Cargo Storage: 11m³ (0.8 dTons), consisting of a luggage storage area and overhead luggage racks.
  • Maximum Load: 11,500 kg (including passengers).

Note: the onboard computer system can run the vehicle without the need for crew.

Freight Model[edit]

A version of the End Unit designed to operate with freight trains.

Crew / Cargo[edit]

An enclosed compartment and with a volume of 266m³ (19 dTons), of which approximately 7m³ (0.5 dTons) is given over to a spacious front-mounted crew compartment. The crew position has advanced controls and a console / heads-up display that provides data such as velocity and component status.

The interior of the vehicle is a large cargo hold. The vehicle has full environmental protection (the hull is sealed), it has comprehensive electromagnetic shielding and is fitted with interior lighting and full climate control. The cargo hold is accessed by a small end compartment that can be constructed as an airlock: this compartment also allows access to the adjacent wagon. The hold is accessed by sliding side doors: these doors are not airlocks and opening them will expose the interior of the vehicle to local environmental conditions. An onboard computer system manages the vehicle.

  • Cargo Storage: 259m³ (18.5 dTons).
  • Maximum Load: 332,700 kg.

Note: the onboard computer system can run the vehicle without the need for crew.


Running lights. The Passenger Model has onboard entertainment systems, and global communications and data access.

History / Background[edit]

A vehicle designed to move cargos along maglev networks.

See also: Vehicles of the Distant Fringe

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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