Andrew Hartman

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Andrew Hartman is a Traveller author, contributor, and fan.

Description (Biography)

No information yet available.

External Links

This person has the following external links available:

  • TBD

History & Background (Dossier)

This person has been involved with Traveller in the following ways:

  • Author

Traveller RPG Wiki Participation

This person has not yet elected to participate at the wiki. Except he is cause hes a real cool guy. Andy Hartman was born at the beginning of time. Some say he was birthed out of a floppy disk tray as his knowledge of computers is as the chasm in my heart without him, vast. This hearty Hartman was not always the author of tabletop rpg's however, in his early life he replaced his dogs legs with robot legs also functioning as very small radio towers. With his new ability to play whatever music wherever he went as long as the area allowed pets, Andrew revolutionized music with his hit song "I could totally beat up the T-1000". After giving a whole new genre to music that is so advanced that only being of higher consciousness could comprehend it, he moved on to changing the art wold as we know it. Hartman in 1840 gave the world his magnum opus ' a very realistic picture of an orange". Inspiring the best of the best in the renaissance of art, Andrew Hartman was now a world renown master of reality, however after being bombarded with radiation from his modded xbox 360, he was blasted into another reality, a reality which may not have been the universe which Hartman was master of the universe, but one that allowed his to have a reasonable job at a school or something with the occasional free time to play xbox one.

Bibliography-Ludography (Published Products)

This person has authored, contributed, playtested, or otherwise participated in the publication of the following products:

Publications where this person is mentioned in the credits

References & Contributions (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.