View table: BasesCode

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Table structure:

  1. code - String
  2. name - String
  3. description - Wikitext
  4. category - List of Page, delimiter: ,
  5. notes - Text
  6. eras - List of Page, delimiter: ,

This table has 25 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page code name description category notes eras
Trade classification/bases/C (edit) C Corsair Base Category:Worlds with a Corsair Base Milieu 1116 New Era
Trade classification/bases/CK (edit) CK Corsair Base & Naval Base
  • This world hosts %article% %Allegiance% Corsair Base.
  • This world has a nearby %Allegiance% Naval Base, with support for military starships.
Category:Worlds with a Corsair Base Category:Worlds with a Naval Base Milieu 1116 New Era
Trade classification/bases/D (edit) D Naval Depot

This world hosts %article% %Allegiance% Naval Depot.

Category:Worlds with a Naval Depot Any allegiance
Trade classification/bases/E (edit) E Hiver Embassy Category:World with a Hiver Embassy
Trade classification/bases/I (edit) I Inteface world

This world is an Interface world, with a quarantine inspection facility for all ships.

Category:Worlds with a Quarantine inspection base New Era
Trade classification/bases/IKM (edit) IKM Interface World, Naval base, and military base
  • This world is an Interface world, with a quarantine inspection facility for all ships.
  • This world has a nearby %Allegiance% Naval Base, supporting military starships.
  • This world hosts %article% %Allegiance% Military Base, supporting military ground forces.
Category:Worlds with a Quarantine inspection base Category:Worlds with a Military Base Category:Worlds with a Naval Base
Trade classification/bases/IM (edit) IM Interface world & Military base
  • This world is an Interface world, with a quarantine inspection facility for all ships.
  • This world hosts %article% %Allegiance% Military Base, Supporting military ground forces.
Category:Worlds with a Quarantine inspection base Category:Worlds with a Military Base New Era
Trade classification/bases/IN (edit) IN Interface world & Naval base

This world is an Interface world, with a quarantine inspection facility for all ships.It also has a nearby %Allegiance% Naval Base, capable of handling warships.

Category:Worlds with a Quarantine inspection base Category:Worlds with a Naval Base New Era
Trade classification/bases/INS (edit) INS Interface world, Naval base, & Scout base
  • This world is an Interface world, with a quarantine inspection facility for all ships.
  • This world has a nearby %Allegiance% Naval Base, capable of handling warships.
  • This world contains %article% %Allegiance% Scout Base, capable of handling Scout Service starships and personnel.
Category:Worlds with a Quarantine inspection base Category:Worlds with a Naval Base Category:Worlds with a Scout Base New Era
Trade classification/bases/IS (edit) IS Interface world & Scout base

This world is an Interface world, with a quarantine inspection facility for all ships. This world contains %article% %Allegiance% Scout Base, capable of handling Scout Service starships and personnel.

Category:Worlds with a Quarantine inspection base Category:Worlds with a Scout Base New Era
Trade classification/bases/IW (edit) IW Interface world & Way station
  • This world is an Interface world, with a quarantine inspection facility for all ships.
  • This world has a nearby %Allegiance% Way Station.
Category:Worlds with a Quarantine inspection base Category:Worlds with a Scout Way station New Era
Trade classification/bases/K (edit) K Naval Base
  • This system hosts %article% %Allegiance% Naval Base for support of military starships.
Category:Worlds with a Naval Base
Trade classification/bases/KM (edit) KM Naval base & Military Base

This world supports %article% %Allegiance% Military Base and the system supports %article% %Allegiance% Naval Base.

Category:Worlds with a Naval Base Category:Worlds with a Military Base
Trade classification/bases/M (edit) M Military Base

This world hosts %article% %Allegiance% Military Base for support of military ground forces.

Category:Worlds with a Military Base
Trade classification/bases/N (edit) N Naval Base

This world has a nearby %Allegiance% Naval Base, capable of handling warships.

Category:Worlds with a Naval Base Milieu 1116 New Era
Trade classification/bases/NS (edit) NS Naval base & Scout Base

The system supports both %article% %Allegiance% Naval Base and a Scout Base with the additional starship traffic.

Category:Worlds with a Naval Base Category:Worlds with a Scout Base Milieu 1116 New Era
Trade classification/bases/NW (edit) NW Naval base & Way station

The system supports both %article% %Allegiance% Naval Base and Way Station.

Category:Worlds with a Naval Base Category:Worlds with a Scout Way station
Trade classification/bases/O (edit) O Naval Outpost
  • This world has a nearby %Allegiance% Naval Outpost for support of Naval warships.
Trade classification/bases/R (edit) R Clan Base
  • This world contains an Aslan Clan Base, which combines the features of an army base for ground forces, a scout base, and a naval base for starships.
Category:Worlds with an Aslan Clan Base
Trade classification/bases/RT (edit) RT Clan base & Tlaukhu base
  • This world contains an Aslan Clan Base, which combines the features of an army base for ground forces, a scout base, and a naval base for starships.
  • This world also contains an Aslan Tlaukhu Base, which combines the features of an army base for ground forces, a scout base, and a naval base for starships.
Category:Worlds with a Tlaukhu Base Category:Worlds with an Aslan Clan Base
Trade classification/bases/S (edit) S Scout Base

This world contains %article% %Allegiance% Scout Base, capable of handling Scout Service starships and personnel.

Category:Worlds with a Scout Base Milieu 1116 New Era
Trade classification/bases/T (edit) T Tlaukhu Base
  • This world contains an Aslan Tlaukhu Base, which combines the features of an army base for ground forces, a scout base, and a naval base for starships.
Category:Worlds with a Tlaukhu Base
Trade classification/bases/V (edit) V Exploration Base Category:Worlds with a Exploration Base
Trade classification/bases/W (edit) W Way Station

This world has a nearby %Allegiance% Way Station.

Category:Worlds with a Scout Way station
Trade classification/bases/X (edit) X Relay Station
  • This world has %article% %Allegiance% Relay Station, for communications relays.
Category:Worlds with a Relay station