Tathoe class Scout/Courier

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Tathoe class Scout/Courier
Vargr general.png
Type: SVC Scout/Courier
Category ACS
Size 200 Tons
Hull Configuration Wedge Hull
Streamlining Airframe Hull
Tech Level TL–12
Computer Model/2 bis
Jump J-3
Maneuver 3 G
Hardpoints 2
Staterooms 0
Crew 4
    Officers 1
    Enlisted 3
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 5.0 Tons
Fuel tank 0 Tons
Origin Vargr Extents
Year Operational Unknown
End of Service Still in active service.
Cost MCr128.872
Architect fee MCrJ. Andrew Keith
Quick Ship Profile SVC-BA33
Blueprint Yes
Illustration Yes
Also see Scout Vessel / Type VX class Courier
Canon Published, fan design
Era 1105
Reference Vargr 13.
Starships are designed with the Classic Traveller format, using High Guard.

The Tathoe class Scout/Courier is a recon starship.

Description (Specifications)

Vargr Courier (Type VX): Using a custom 200-ton hull, the Vargr Courier is intended for transportation of messages and envoys rapidly over interstellar distances. It mounts Jump drive-C, Maneuver drive-C, and Power plant-C, giving performance of Jump-3 and 3G acceleration. Fuel tankage for 90.0 tons supports the power plant and one Jump-3. Adjacent to the bridge is a model/2 bis computer. There are four staterooms and no low berths. The ship has two hardpoints and two tons allocated to fire control. Installed on the hardpoints are two single turrets: Each mounts one beam laser. There is one ship's vehicle: A ship's boat. Cargo capacity is 5.0 tons. The hull is streamlined.

The Vargr Courier requires a crew of four: pilot, navigator, engineer, and medic. Double occupancy permits the addition of up to four others, such as gunners, emissaries, or other passengers. The ship is not intended for commercial passenger carriage. The Vargr Courier costs MCr128.872 (...including architect's fees, but not standard discount; prices may vary), and takes 12 months to build.

Image Repository

No information yet available.

General Description & Deck Plans

No information yet available.

Basic Ship Characteristics

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (...of ten subcraft) carried on the ship. Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (...thousands of tons) where necessary. [1]

Basic Ship Characteristics [2]
No. Category Remarks
1. Tonnage / Hull TBD tons.
2. Crew TBD crew.
3. Performance Propulsion:
  • Jump-TBD
  • TBD-G acceleration
  • Power Plant-TBD
  • TBD-EPs
  • Agility-TBD
4. Electronics Model/TBD fib ship computer.
5. Hardpoints xTBD hardpoints.
6. Armament / Weaponry The normal weapons fit-out for it is:
7. Defenses Defensive Equipment:
8. Craft / Drones TBD
9. Fuel Treatment TBD
10. Cost MCrTBD.
11. Construction Time TBD months to build, TBD months in quantity.
12. Remarks Other Equipment:

History & Background (Dossier)

Using a 200-ton hull, the Vargr courier is designed for the fast transport of emissaries and messages over interstellar distances. The courier is generally used by military and government organisations for diplomatic and intelligence purposes.

The Vargr courier requires a crew of four; a pilot, navigator, engineer and medic. Four additional crew or passengers such as emissaries and gunners can also be carried with double occupancy.

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities

Vessel Peculiarities: No information yet available.

Class Naming Practice/s: No information yet available.

Selected Variant Types & Classes

Paramilitary Vessel - Scout/Courier:

  1. Type VX class Courier [3]
    1. Tathoe class Scout/Courier

References & Contributors (Sources)

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