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Fire, Fusion, & Steel
TNE Fire Fusion & Steel.jpg
The Traveller Technical Architecture.
Author Frank ChadwickDave Nilsen
Publisher Game Designers Workshop
Version Traveller The New Era
Edition 1st
Format Book (Softback)
Language English
Pages 160
Year Published 1994
Canonical Yes
Available from RPGNow
ISBN 1-55878-157-9 Product No. 0304
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Major system 9
Subsystems 36
Weaponry 90
Appendix 153
Bibliography 160

Fire, Fusion, & Steel is a Game Designers Workshop product.

Description (Specifications)

Science fiction is about diversity, the unusual, and pressing the cutting edge of science. It's not suited to simple lists of equipment that limit play. Each different world's environment calls for slightly different approaches to transportation, communication, and even weaponry. You need rules to design whatever equipment you need, and as many different variation of it as your players find uses for. More than than, you don't need jargon and double-talk; you need to understand enough of the science behind the equipment that you can see how it works, understand its limitations, and make the game come alive.

Fire, Fusion, & Steel has all of that and more. Starships, aircraft, and vehicles, in almost infinite variation, are at your command, from fusion-powered grav tanks to advanced technology lighter-than-air ships, from gigantic armored star cruisers to delicate ornithopters. pick your power plants from a selection that ranges from primitive steam engines to matter-antimatter annihilation, with side excursions to solar power, batteries, explosive power generation, or even cold fusion.

Tired of just playing with jump drives? Tailor your campaign around a wide selection of FTL options, from natural wormholes to stargates, stutter warp, or hyperspace drives. Or if FTL is too advanced for you, conquer space the hard way, with Bussard hydrogen ram jets or Daedalus thermonuclear pulse drives.

The cybernetics chapter alone has dozens of entries and provides a rich basis for adding cybernetic enhancement to any science fiction game.

Weaponry isn't slighted either. Rules and supporting data enable you to design small arms, conventional cannons, gauss weapons, plasma and fusion weapons, lasers, particle accelerators, meson guns, missiles and more. Or counter them with reactive armor, electrostatic armor, meson screens, or nuclear dampers.

Fire, Fusion, & Steel gives you unprecedented control over your campaign environment by not only providing a variety of design rules (and explaining the physics behind them in layman's terms), but also by covering a wide variety of technologies not part of the core Traveller game universe. It is a sourcebook on universe building for any science fiction referee, and an indispensable reference work on future technology.

Table of Contents

TNE Fire, Fusion, & Steel
(1st Edition)
Section / Article Page/s
Introduction 4
Book I: Major Systems 9
Book II: Subsystems 36
Book III: Weaponry 90
Appendices 153
Bibliography 160

Library Data Entries (Public)

  1. Airship
  2. Antimatter Plant
  3. Battery
  4. Bussard Ramjet
  5. Cybernetics
  6. Daedalus Drive
  7. Electromagnetic Masking
  8. Electrostatic Armor
  9. Explosive Power Plant
  10. Fusion Weapon
  11. Gauss Weapon
  12. Hyperspace Drive
  13. Laser
  14. Meson Accelerator
  15. Meson Screen
  16. Missile
  17. Nuclear Damper
  18. Particle Accelerator
  19. Plasma Gun
  20. Reactive Armor
  21. Small Arm
  22. Solar Power Plant
  23. Stargate
  24. Steam Engine
  25. Stutter Warp Drive
  26. Wormhole

Library Data Entries (Automated)

Library data entries

Meta-history & Background (Dossier)

Fire, Fusion, & Steel: The Traveller technical architecture puts you in control of your science fiction game in ways that no other product ever has.

  • Other people give you catalogues of future equipment. We've given you the factory.

Included with Fire, Fusion, & Steel was a small format 16-page booklet called, Traveller: The New Era Upgrade Booklet. This contained updates to the original Traveller: The New Era rulebook and errata for Fire, Fusion & Steel itself. The rational behind the booklet was described as follows.

  • "For the publication of FF&S, we have created design sequences which are much more comprehensive than those we used when designing equipment for the TNE rulebook. Much of the TNE equipment has therefore been redesigned according to the FF&S sequences, and is included in this upgrade booklet. In addition, several rules additions and errata are included as well.
  • "There are limitations to what can be included in a book of this size. All information on starship upgrades is already available in Brilliant Lances.
  • "All of this material will be incorporated into the TNE second printing, which can be recognised by the phrase, 'Mk I Mod 1 (December 1993)' on its title page."

Credits (Primary Sources)

Credits (Primary Sources)
Credit Authors & Contributors
Design Frank Chadwick & Dave Nilsen
Design and Development Assistance Loren Wiseman
Previous Design Work Lester Smith, Ted Kocot, Terry McInnes, Charles Gannon
Oversight Dave Nilsen
Cover Painting Doug Chaffee
Interior Illustrations Bradley K. McDevitt, Kirk Wescom

External Link/s

Commentary & Data articles:




Other Articles:


References & Contributions (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.