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== History & Background ([[Dossier]]) ==
== History & Background ([[Dossier]]) ==
Throughout known history, Daibei has long been a developing frontier sector, bordered by the [[Great Rift]].  
Throughout known history, Daibei has long been a developing frontier sector, bordered by the [[Great Rift]].  
Worlds in Daibei Sector traditionally choose tri-colours as their planetary insignia. A banner of three equally sized panels is most common, in any combination of colours. As a representation of solidarity among the many worlds of Daibei, a blank tri-colour has long been used as its sector symbol.
=== Native Sophonts: 1105 ===
=== Native Sophonts: 1105 ===

Latest revision as of 06:46, 27 May 2024

Daibei Sector
Reaver's Deep Zarushagar Diaspora
Daibei style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black;"
map from Travellermap.com
Sector Data
No. of Worlds 453
Population 1,009,251 million
Majority Control Third Imperium - 93%
Secondary Control Solomani Confederation - 05%
Tertiary Control Wuan Technology Association - 01%
Quaternary Control Non-Aligned - 01%
Domain Balkanized Space
Domain of Ilelish
Solomani Sphere
Capital Warinir (Daibei 0507)
Gross Sector Product BCr8,740,424
Trade Volume BCr61,775
Imperial Coordinate -1 / -2
This sector has a trade map
This sector has economic data
This sector has sector data
This sector has a climate file
This sector has sector data

Daibei style="width: 250px; height: 350px; border: solid 1px black; float: right; clear: left"

Daibei Sector (Imperial coordinates -1/-2) lies Rimward of Zarushagar and Spinward of Diaspora sectors.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Daibei is a developing area with a number of old civilizations and sophont species. The Great Rift caps one developing frontier, with many colonists and other traffic diverting rimward. The First Imperium and Ziru Sirka had colonized it and used much of it as penal colonies and a diversion zone for dissidents. Anti-Vilani sentiments are still fairly widespread, even over a thousand years later.

Toponyms: 1105[edit]

This sector has been known by different names to different groups over its existence including the following:

Daibei Sector Names
Culture Toponym Polity
Third Imperium Daibei Third Imperium
Aslan Daibei Aslan Hierate
Droyne Unknown Droyne Oytrip Yatroy
Hiver Daibei Hive Federation
K'kree Unknown Two Thousand Worlds
Solomani Daibei Solomani Confederation
Vargr Daibei Vargr Extents
Vilani Lankhisidam Third Imperium
Zhodani Daibei Zhodani Consulate

Linguistic Topography: 1105[edit]

The following languages are among the most commonly used within this astrographic region:

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Throughout known history, Daibei has long been a developing frontier sector, bordered by the Great Rift.

Worlds in Daibei Sector traditionally choose tri-colours as their planetary insignia. A banner of three equally sized panels is most common, in any combination of colours. As a representation of solidarity among the many worlds of Daibei, a blank tri-colour has long been used as its sector symbol.

Native Sophonts: 1105[edit]

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated within this area:

Demographics: 1105[edit]

Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:


Corporations active within the sector include the following:

Logo Ling Standard Products Basic.png

Historical Eras[edit]

General Overview: During the First Imperium the Vilani only incorporated the Trailing edge of the sector into the Ziru Sirka. By -2422, when the Terrans were first contacted, only subsector D was completely within the borders, and was joined by parts of subsectors B, C, F, G, H, K, L, and P.

  • During the next two centuries the Daibei borders moved spinward, so that by the end of the Interstellar Wars in -2204, almost all of the sector was claimed by the First Imperium except for the most remote parts of subsectors A, B, E, I, M, N, and O. Daibei was just beyond the borders of the Terran Confederation.
  • During the Long Night Daibei suffered first from Reaver incursions and then later from Aslan raids. The Aslan Border Wars were fought throughout the spinward parts of the sector, ending only with the Peace of Ftahalr in 380.
  • When Empress Margaret I created the Solomani Autonomous Region in 704, the rimward subsectors of Daibei fell within the Solomani Sphere, including all of subsectors M, N, O, and P and portions of subsectors J, K, L, and M.
  • The reorganization of the Autonomous Region into the Confederation in 871 led to rising tensions in Daibei between the Imperium and the Solomani. By the late 930s, skirmishes between Imperial detachments and Solomani “privateers” were common, and in 940 Empress Margaret II dissolved the Autonomous Region.
  • When the Rim War broke out in 990, Solomani offensives in Daibei dealt heavy damage to the Imperial Navy, and initially regained almost all the worlds lost to the Imperium since the reign of Marget II. During the course of the war the Imperium retook many of these worlds, leaving only subsectors M and N in Confederation control at the time of the armistice in 1002.
  • The Confederation continues to view Imperial worlds in Daibei that were formerly part of the Solomani Sphere as occupied territories. However, as many of these border worlds had majority non-Solomani populations, many in the Confederation feel that they are better off without them.

History-Era: Milieu 1100[edit]

No information yet available.

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this sector:

Politics & Diplomacy (Interstellar Relations)[edit]

No information yet available.

Polity Listing: 1105[edit]

The following polities can be found within this sector:

Polity Descriptions: 1105[edit]

Here are several synopses of the polities found in this sector:

  1. Alleg: ImDi: "Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish"
  2. Alleg: NaHu: "Non-Aligned, Human-dominated"
  3. Alleg: SoCf: "Solomani Confederation"
  4. Alleg: SoWu: "Solomani Confederation, Wuan Technology Association"

Imperial Territory: 1105[edit]

This is an Imperial frontier area.

Trade Routes (Economic Astrography)[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this area:

Mains, Branches & Arms[edit]

Clusters & Traces[edit]

The following clusters and/or traces (in whole or in part) are found in this sector:

Rifts, Voids & Jump Bridges[edit]

Other Astrographic Features[edit]

Worlds, Systems & Sectors (Political Astrography)[edit]


Daibei Sector borders the Great Rift and contains a number of areas of lower stellar density.

Capital/s: 1105[edit]

Sector Summary: 1105[edit]

The Daibei sector has 453 worlds with an estimated population of 1,009 billion, a per capita income of Cr8,665, and a total economy is BCr8,743,264. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr35,150 through 392 starports (70 Class A, 114 Class B, 149 Class C, 59 Class D) employing 6,704,170 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 53 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, 52 Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, 28 Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, 53 Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, 27 Rich (Ri) worlds, and 22 Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Daibei maintain 31 Naval bases, 25 Scout bases, three Way stations, two Military bases, and one Naval depot. The average technology level is 10 (with most between 8 and 13). The highest technology level is 15 at Jurin (Daibei 0410), Warinir (Daibei 0507), Shigakham (Daibei 1810), Specter (Daibei 1903), Zazish (Daibei 2001), and Zelda (Daibei 2408).

The Daibei sector contains 644 stars and 4,886 identified planets; 272 monostellar systems, 171 binary systems, ten trinary systems, and no systems with four or more stars. 384 of the 453 systems (84%) have native gas giants. There are 17 Asteroid (As) belts, no Desert (De) worlds, 22 Garden (Ga) worlds, no Ice-capped (Ic) worlds, 36 Poor (Po) worlds, 106 Vacuum (Va) worlds, and 39 Water (Wa) or Ocean (Oc) worlds.

Daibei has an estimated population of 1,009 billion distributed across 32 High population (Hi) worlds, 37 Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 201 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, 132 Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Amdani (Daibei 2014), Zhemi (Daibei 0627), Uston (Daibei 0139), Laudumash (Daibei 2319), Kimel (Daibei 2239), and Dudin (Daibei 2028). The population consists of 8 sophont groups including six native sophonts.

8 identified sophont populations in Daibei


Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish[edit]

The Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish has jurisdiction over 430 worlds with an estimated population of 907 billion, a per capita income of Cr8,527, and a total economy is BCr7,734,103. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr31,060 through 372 starports (60 Class A, 109 Class B, 144 Class C, 59 Class D) employing 6,028,405 people. Driving this interstellar trade are 50 Agricultural (Ag) worlds, 49 Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, 26 Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, 51 Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, 26 Rich (Ri) worlds, and 19 Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish maintain 29 Naval bases, 25 Scout bases, three Way stations, and one Naval depot. The average technology level is 10 (with most between 8 and 13). The highest technology level is 15 at Jurin (Daibei 0410), Warinir (Daibei 0507), Shigakham (Daibei 1810), Specter (Daibei 1903), Zazish (Daibei 2001), and Zelda (Daibei 2408).

The Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish has an estimated population of 907 billion distributed across 29 High population (Hi) worlds, 35 Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 190 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, 127 Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population worlds are Amdani (Daibei 2014), Zhemi (Daibei 0627), Laudumash (Daibei 2319), Kimel (Daibei 2239), Dudin (Daibei 2028), and Tukera (Daibei 2423). The population consists of 8 sophont groups including five native sophonts.

Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish capitals

Solomani Confederation, Wuan Technology Association[edit]

The Solomani Confederation, Wuan Technology Association has jurisdiction over 22 worlds with an estimated population of 101 billion, a per capita income of Cr9,991, and a total economy is BCr1,009,161. These worlds originate an interstellar trade of BCr4,090 through 19 starports (9 Class A, 5 Class B, 5 Class C, 0 Class D) employing 675,765 people. Driving this interstellar trade are three Agricultural (Ag) worlds, three Non-Agricultural (Na) worlds, two Pre-Agricultural (Pa) worlds, two Pre-Industrial (Pi) worlds, one Rich (Ri) world, and three Industrial (In) worlds. The governments in Solomani Confederation, Wuan Technology Association maintain two Naval bases, and two Military bases. The average technology level is 11 (with most between 9 and 14). The highest technology level is 14 at Uston (Daibei 0139), Aston (Daibei 0140), Odin (Daibei 0237), Cameron (Daibei 0536), Harp (Daibei 0639), and Parsifal (Daibei 1039).

The Solomani Confederation, Wuan Technology Association has an estimated population of 101 billion distributed across three High population (Hi) worlds, two Moderate population (Ph) worlds, 11 Non-industrial (Ni) worlds, four Low population (Lo) worlds, and no Barren (Ba) worlds. The highest population world is Uston (Daibei 0139). The population consists of 2 sophont groups including one native sophont.

Non-Aligned, Human-dominated[edit]

There are one Non-Aligned Human-dominated worlds in Daibei with an estimated population of less than 1 million.

World Listing: 1105[edit]

The following worlds can be found within this sector:

455 Worlds in the Daibei Sector
805-111  •  Accent  •  Acropolis (Da 1336)  •  Adanac  •  Aduulikgaa  •  Agukikhiga (Da 1901)  •  Agukikhiga (Da 2015)  •  Ahmun  •  Ahwai  •  Aihtekhtea  •    •  Akorahil  •  Alikaanii  •  Amarsi  •  Amazonia  •  Amdani  •  Amoah  •  Amun  •  Anchor  •  Antioch (Da 0731)  •  Antsalova  •  Aquilon  •  Asahikawa  •  Ash  •  Ashima (Da 0126)  •  Ashurst Wood  •  Asim (Da 1032)  •    •  Aspare  •  Aston  •  Aswan  •  Athenae  •  Attica (Da 1202)  •  Atun  •  Autumn  •  Axis  •  Ayaz  •  Azer  •  Baarn  •  Bagherzadeh  •  Bander  •  Bandy  •  Battista  •  Bedivere  •  Beethoven  •  Bemolango  •  Bharna  •  Black Tusk  •  Blackcombe  •  Bobonong  •    •    •  Botirill  •  Bould  •  Brennan  •  Brewin  •  Broguun  •    •  Burnaby  •  Byers World  •  Caapestrii  •  Caarimii  •  Caeseria  •    •  Cameron (Da 0536)  •  Capua  •  Carguulam  •  Carnivora  •  Caspar  •  Cauldren  •  Caverna  •  Chapel Mews  •  Chapman (Da 0727)  •  Charon  •  Chartrand  •  Chemi  •  Chiba  •  Chilton  •  Chrono  •  Chyerra  •  Ciaran  •  Clusium  •  Coast  •  Cobald  •  Comox  •  Conda  •  Constantine (Da 1617)  •  Coquitlam  •  Corcyra  •  Corinth  •  Corve  •  Corvus  •    •  Cruxway  •  Cynowa  •  Daelan  •  Daionie  •  Daisy  •  Damar  •  Darvell  •  Dawn (Da 1526)  •  Dawson (Da 3129)  •  Deir el-Medina  •  Delany  •  Delphi  •  Bloddwyn  •  Dharma  •  Diamond Head  •  Diana's World  •  Dibnah  •  Dime  •  Dionitia  •  Ditcham  •  Drako  •  Dudin (Da 2028)  •  Dunker  •  Dunklheim  •  Durgaarurkim  •  Duugi  •  Duurmurze  •  E'lam  •  Eketa  •  Eketta  •  El-qurn  •  Elk (Da 0138)  •  Emarnshahr  •  Enigma (Da 1705)  •  Enlu  •  Eola  •  Epkiip  •  Erin's Star (Da 1901)  •  Escher  •  Eurtrik  •  Faie  •  Felicity  •  Fender  •    •  Firine  •  Fister  •  Flamme  •  Fraserburg  •  Funhalouro  •  Fyvie  •  Galliano  •  Gawain  •  Gcoverega  •  Gershunas  •  Giinaca  •  Gilden  •  Girgaleka  •  Girillovitch  •  Glacier  •  Glimis  •    •  Grumith  •  Grunwald (Da 3235)  •  Guiv  •  Gulurkhi  •  Guurilii  •  Haajar  •  Haden  •  Hades (Da 0628)  •  Hadria   •  Handel (Da 0334)  •  Handel  •  Haradapan  •  Harmony (Da 1230)  •  Harp  •  Hatshepsut II  •  Hela  •  Helaguuran  •  Helena (Da 2627)  •  Hermes  •  Hestia  •  Hodgins  •  Hograine  •  Homer  •  Horizon (Da 2640)  •  Horsefly  •  Hotagen  •  Huntress  •  Iinen  •  Iisar  •  Ikkusham  •  Ilin  •  Illikurii  •  Illyana  •  Illyricum  •  Imili  •  Inferum Mare  •  Iniya  •  Inthavixay  •  Ithapanya  •  Ithilnaur  •  Iulii  •  Joi  •  Judgement (Da 0420)  •  Juniper  •  Jurin  •  Juuri Banii  •  Kafal  •  Kagusamar  •  Karguulam  •  Karma (Da 1439)  •  Karma (Da 2537)  •  Karnak (Da 1006)  •  Karukhi  •  Karukuwisa  •  Kelpie  •  Khatmandu  •  Kiinia  •  Kiiri  •  Kikish  •  Kimchi  •  Kimel  •  Kin's Tower  •  Kirsch   •  Kitspiox  •  Kivalo  •  Knossos  •  Korik (Da 0112)  •  Kuguuri  •  Kukisakuga  •  Kuliiga  •  Kulinaar  •  L'Engle  •  L'kus  •  Ladanyi  •  Lancelot  •  Lappin  •  Larissa  •  Laudumash  •  Leesing  •  Leroux  •  Lesiuii  •  Link  •  Lisle  •  Litten  •  Llwyellen  •  Locri  •  Locu  •  Loiaccono  •  Lok  •  Lombardi  •    •  Lorimer  •  Luan (Da 2912)  •  Luna (Da 0123)  •  Lushiir  •  Luxor  •  Lynx  •  Maakan  •  Macella  •  Macey  •  Mackswith  •  Maduun  •  Magyar  •  Maiiu  •  Manyana  •  Mapai  •  Marathon (Da 1512)  •  Maroelaboom  •  Mater  •    •  Mcgwire  •  Memmmulid  •  Memnon  •  Mendelson  •  Mgg  •  Miller's Glen  •  Moore's World  •  Mordor (Da 1108)  •  Mossbar  •  Mott  •  Moyenne  •  Mozart  •  Muffin  •  Murazor  •  Naagishda  •  Nanaimo  •  Narya  •  Nazgul  •  New Melbourne  •  Nirel  •  Nirvana  •  Nu Polis  •  Nyanar  •  Nyola  •  Odin (Da 0237)  •  Oifuerr  •  Olympus (Da 0823)  •  Oravais  •  Orvon  •  Osita  •  Ossifur  •  Ostia  •  Paltea  •  Panorama Ridge  •  Parade  •  Parasol  •  Paris (Da 2626)  •  Parnassis  •  Parsifal (Da 1039)  •  Pastel  •  Pearl (Da 1933)  •  Pengith  •  Perishan  •  Persistance  •  Perth  •    •  Pharnaaka  •  Phars  •  Phillips World  •  Phong  •  Pierson  •  Pillars  •  Pilos  •  Polarity  •    •  Port Hardy  •  Port Kells  •  Port Royal (Da 3031)  •  Portal  •  Prince  •  Purgatory (Da 1506)  •  Purgatory (Da 2832)  •  Queens  •  Raamiigi  •  Rahim  •    •  Raven's Wood  •  Ravkovic  •  Red Sands  •  Regiimaa  •  Regnander  •  Ren (Da 2228)  •  Renaissance  •  Rendroch  •  Rennox  •  Repin  •  Reyivik  •  Riedigar  •  Ring  •  Ruins  •  Saint Dalmatia  •  Salla  •  Salona  •  Sardinia  •  Sarina  •  Saturna  •  Scepter (Da 1408)  •  Schubert  •  Seddon  •  Selket  •  Serindipity  •  Sethnakhte  •  Seti IV  •  Shaid Mamke  •  Shards  •  Sheikh Taya  •  Shigakham  •  Shinnar  •  Shiuan  •  Shurugashad  •  Siikanaa  •  Silence  •  Simplicity  •  Sineli  •  Sirocco  •  Sissel  •    •  Skara  •  Skatter  •  Skebo  •  Skyia  •  Sosa  •  Sotto  •  Sparta  •  Specter  •  Spirit  •  Splendor  •  St. Lucia  •  St. Sebastien  •  Oregon  •  Stewart  •  Straylight  •  Suguura  •  Sundown  •  Sutherlund  •  Suza  •  Swaziland  •  Syliskia  •  T'vira  •  Tarens  •  Tarma  •  Tartarus  •  Temeraire  •  Thebes  •  Thetis (Da 2829)  •  Thorfell  •  Thutmosis III  •  Tirigiilii  •  Tobasco  •  Tolkien  •  Tower (Da 1811)  •  Townend  •  Tranquility  •  Tremor  •  Tremor  •  Troy (Da 0324)  •  Tukera  •  Tura  •  Twillight  •  Tyers  •  Tyres  •  Tyrrhenum  •  Udo  •  Ulianov  •  Ulie  •  Ulikaari  •  Unkashe  •  Ur (Da 1721)  •  Uston  •  Uukaminukhu  •  Uvatha  •  Kuguli  •  Vaarini  •  Vanders  •  Vaneenoo  •  Vanya  •  Vargenheim  •  Vargus  •  Vendel's Star  •  Vengilis  •  Vespers  •  Vettesse  •  Victoria  •  Victorignox  •  Viguilli  •  Voluun  •  Vonid  •  Warinir  •  Wedge  •  Wheeler  •  Whisper (Da 3230)  •  Whistler  •  White Horse  •  White Mountain  •  Whiteside  •  Whyte  •  Wishart  •  Woomera (Da 0114)  •  Woosnam  •  Wosi  •  Wrigley  •  Xanthe  •  Xenon (Da 1537)  •  Xiang  •  Yarfeg  •  Yerxa  •  Zagiku  •  Zazish  •  Zehpyr  •  Zelda  •  Zenone  •  Zhemi  •  Ziggurat  •  Zuuragaath  •  Zwingle  •  Zypher  •  

Subsector Listing: 1105[edit]

The following subsectors can be found within this sector:

  1. Subsector A: Edge Subsector
  2. Subsector B: Alun Subsector
  3. Subsector C: Standish Subsector
  4. Subsector D: Iingar Subsector
  5. Subsector E: Woomera Subsector
  6. Subsector F: Outback Subsector
  7. Subsector G: Amdani Subsector
  8. Subsector H: Conda Subsector
  9. Subsector I: Zhemi Subsector
  10. Subsector J: Mulaar Subsector
  11. Subsector K: Dudin Subsector
  12. Subsector L: Cruxway Subsector
  13. Subsector M: Gaalorn Subsector
  14. Subsector N: Hermes Subsector
  15. Subsector O: Narya Subsector
  16. Subsector P: Orvon Subsector

Territorial Overview: 1105[edit]

The following table details the subsectors within this area:

  • No information yet available.

Territorial Chart Key[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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