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A Baron is a noble rank within the system of Imperial Nobility in the Third Imperium.

Description (Specifications)

Landed Barons are awarded their Baronial titles when their world attains the potential of an Agricultural asset or has become comfortably developed as a Rich world.

Ceremonial Barons have administrative duties that may encompass a world or system, or are lesser functionaries within bureaucracies overseen by higher level nobles, depending upon the nature and importance of the office.

  • The Vilani term for Baron is Iishakku.
  • The land grant of a Baron is known as a Barony.

Entitlement Synopsis

The second level of noble rank is the baron, the lowest level normally accorded membership in the peerage. Barons are referred to in several different styles including the use of prefixes to the surname (such as ap-, von-, haut-, or hault-) and or the title Baron (or Baroness for females). An individual accorded a barony for service may receive a fief of land on a single world, generally not more than 100 km2, or alternately may receive 4 terrain hexes on the fief-world with 4 associated terrain hexes on non-mainworlds in the same system if he has an appointment as a Landed Noble. Landed Baron fiefs are generally granted on Rich or Agricultural worlds. When a barony includes a fief, then the title is generally followed by the fief's name (such as Baron Solvenos).

History & Background (Dossier)

The Ziru Sirka

Under the Old Vilani Imperium, an Iishakku (“governor”) was in origin a regional administrator on ancient Vland, with both executive and judicial powers over a large city or its equivalent. When the Vilani developed space travel, the duties of the Iishakku were expanded to the roughly modern equivalent of an Imperial Baron, typically administering one or more worlds under a provincial governor. In some cases Iishakku served as roving troubleshooters and inspectors, and as such they wielded power and influence out of proportion to their official position.

After the establishment of the Rule of Man over the defeated Vilani Imperium, most of the old Vilani titles were rendered into rough Anglic equivalents, and Iishakku was translated as Baron, though its function within the Old Imperial social and political structure initially remained largely unchanged.

The Third Imperium

In the early years of the Imperium, barons served in lesser positions throughout the majority of the Imperial government, often assigned to act as couriers or personal representatives of higher ranked nobles on critical missions. Though all barons were landless in the founding years of the Imperium, they would eventually be awarded the oversight of worlds as they were added to the Imperium.

Though the title of baron had existed under the Sylean Federation's system of nobility, Cleon I conceived of “the baronage” as a major link between the Imperium and its member worlds, his intention being that local leaders on Imperial worlds would be given a stake in the Imperial system through the grant of landed baronial (or lesser) titles. Alongside the many barons already present in the Imperial government, barons eventually came to vastly outnumber the rest of the Imperial peerage as a result.

Today Barons can be created and assigned by either the Iridium Throne or, in some parts of the Imperium, by the Archdukes of Domains [1]. The body of Baronets and Barons created by the Archduke of a particular Domain constitute the "Baronage" of that particular Domain. Thus, there are a total of eight Baronages, one for each of the seven Domains, as well as the Imperial Baronage. Those Barons created by an Archduke are officially ranked below those created by the Emperor, but are usually recommended for Imperial appointment. They are not normally considered to be Peers in the Imperial Moot, though they may have voting rights in more regional Domain assemblies. Some Barons have no associated land-grant at all, holding the title merely as an honorific. However, many have at least some territorial holdings, even if they are not representing a world to the Imperium.

Local planetary nobility who are world-rulers are sometimes granted a barony associated with their world if they do not possess a higher Imperial title of their own both as a courtesy and in order to give them a stake in the ruling of the Imperium.

Senior Imperial admirals and generals are often granted the honor title of baron without a fief or duties if they achieve their rank without having acquired any other title.

See Also

Imperial Nobility:

The Imperial Household:
The High Nobility (Peerage):
The Peerage:
The Baronage:
The Gentry: Untitled Nobility & Genteel Commoners:

Third Imperium


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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Andrea VallanceDonald McKinneyGregory P. LeeJames KundertRobert Eaglestone. "Nobility in the Third Imperium (Part One)." Imperiallines 7 (2015): 4-7.