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A language used on worlds of the Glorious Empire by subjugated Human populations. It is a blend of Trokh and Galanglic.

The Human populations conquered by the Tokouea'we clan were descended from colonists who originated on worlds of the Sindalian Empire. Their language was essentially similar to modern Galanglic. After enslaving them, the Tokouea'we Aslan insisted that Humans learn to speak Trokh, but it was hard for Humans to master a language so clearly designed for the Aslan to speak. Over time, Humans learned to speak a variant of Trokh, which they merged with their native language. Movement of slaves from world-to-world resulted in a more or less homogenous language.

When billions of slaves were liberated from the Glorious Empire and incorporated into the Aslan Hierate, Hankakho became the official language of the Human minority in the Aslan part of Trojan Reach Sector.


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